King of Hearts meaning. Birth Card - King of Hearts (Hearts)

The meaning of the king of hearts card, which fell during divination, most often consists in receiving good news or portends an unexpected meeting. Perhaps in the near future guests will descend or a conversation will take place with an old friend. Interpretation in a general sense speaks of the reliability and security of a person in any situation.

Divination card meaning

The people this card symbolizes are destined to have a family. The most important thing for them is the children. However, there can often be misunderstandings with a marriage partner, as they tend to devote a lot of time to work. If such a person makes a mistake in choosing a life partner, then his fate will be unhappy.

The kings of worms do not tolerate lies and deceit, they dictate the rules of behavior to others. These people have a heightened sense of justice and are able to act as a third party in any conflict. It is useless to argue with them, as they will be able to give strong arguments for any arguments. The King of Hearts often shows excessive attention to women and tends to change girlfriends. He should be wary of contacts with girls, whose symbol is the lady of the tambourine.

The king in divination denotes a man. The fair-haired and blue-eyed is depicted by the king of hearts, the clubs - dark-haired, brown-eyed. Matched four kings in fortune-telling on cards can be positioned as profitable business, an increase in social status.

The coincidence of four kings in the scenario means an increase in social status

King of clubs - interpretations

What does the cross king mean in divination? In the general situation, it is interpreted as success. Club cards are almost always business cards, therefore they are positioned as early support in business, a wide range of contacts.

In some fortune-telling, when the king of the cross does not fall out, the position is interpreted as a losing streak. It takes on a negative value when there are negative cards nearby. For example, with a seven, a peak symbolizes receiving unpleasant news, and with a seven of worms, a disease due to an inattentive attitude to one's health.

In love and relationships, this card shows the querent's too demanding attitude towards loved ones, advises you to reconsider your adherence to principles. In a negative light, the heart can be interpreted with the Jack, as the danger of betrayal or with the King of Hearts, it can predict a conflict situation at home, disappointment in your other half.

Regarding work and career, here the cross king is read as purposefulness, a highly intellectual level of development, oratorical talent. In addition, the card shows the wealth of a person or his ability to make good money.

If this card falls out in divination for a career, it will not be difficult for such a person to successfully develop in any field of activity. In the case when failures are accompanied by work, this may mean that a person simply does not want to work, or by his behavior, demonstration of his virtues, intelligence provokes people to experience fear and envy.

In combination with the king, the spade means that the manner of presenting yourself in this way provokes irritation, indignation in a high-ranking person, hence a series of failures. When they are guessing at the success of undertakings, then this card guarantees it, especially in combination with the ace of clubs. This combination is able to mitigate the likelihood of a crisis, but in combination with the lady of clubs, it will be very difficult to avoid a crisis.

King of spades - interpretations

The king of spades shows a noble man who has already achieved something in life, this is a man of age. In addition, he can position a senior person, boss, official representative. Among the qualities that characterize a person, this card symbolizes rigidity, selfishness, cunning, treachery. A person who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals is more interested in power and recognition.

The king of spades symbolizes a cunning, treacherous and cruel personality who will stop at nothing.

In love, such a card is positioned with difficulties in communication, trust. This is a kind of recommendation not to give free rein to your emotions, which often become the cause of hostility. Occasionally it can mean new acquaintances for self-interest. And it can also predict rivalry. In combination with some cards:

  • from nine crosses - evil gossip can break the idyll of relationships;
  • with eight peaks - shows that a person is loved;
  • with a jack of hearts - a pleasant surprise for the soul.

In work assignments, it is interpreted as problems in the legal field, rivalry, loss of control. In other cases, it may show career growth, gaining power, improving financial condition. The card gives advice not to relax, and constantly grow above yourself.

In combination with a lady, a tambourine shows that two paths open before a person and only one will be true. With a seven, the heart says that you need a strong, influential patron, then your promotion will be much easier. The combination with the jack of diamonds shows distrust, wariness of the authorities towards you.

Interpretation of the King of Diamonds card

In the main meaning, the card is perceived as strength, the implementation of plans. In a negative sense, it is interpreted as the difficulty of choice, a dual situation that has driven a person into a corner unexpectedly.

In terms of personality, the king of diamonds denotes a blond with a complex character. It can also mean a bachelor who seems to be a very interesting person with whom it is easy to communicate. With the lady of the tambourine, the king always means "married."

When fortune-telling on playing cards to a person of age, the king of tambourines can show his son. The personality characteristic speaks of a person who is a subtle psychologist and manipulator, capable of earning big money.

In love, this card symbolizes a strong feeling, manifested not only in words, but also in actions. For a married woman, she speaks of the value of family ties for her husband; for an unmarried girl, it indicates an imminent love date. For any woman in the layout, it will symbolize a man who is far from indifferent to her; for men, the king of a tambourine, most often, is positioned with him.

In a negative sense, it can mean a loss of interest in the querent, if a jack of diamonds falls nearby, this indicates that a certain young man will console the suffering.

In a career, it usually means insight, business acumen. A negative interpretation means the result achieved, but rather doubtful or slander about the success of a person.

Interpretation in the divination of the king of hearts

The King of Hearts predicts good news, meetings, guests. In the characteristics of situations, he speaks of safety, reliability. As a curly card, it positions a mature person with blond hair, charming, generous, sociable. Can show a married man.

In some layouts, the king of hearts symbolizes the hearth of the querent. In this case, nearby cards will describe everything regarding this issue. In certain combinations, the card shows that the person has magical potential, extrasensory abilities. The king of the heart is a positive denominator, and even in combination with negative ones, taking their side smooths out their influence.

The King of Hearts smooths out the negative impact of other cards in the layout.

In love divination for a woman, the card is read as the aspirations of a certain representative of the stronger sex to stubbornly win her love. In the reverse position, the card is read as a person who rarely distinguishes between sexual attraction and love, and therefore often gets into unpleasant situations associated with this.

The presence in the arrangement next to the card of the fortune-telling king of hearts means that he already has a partner or the person does not suffer from a lack of interest of the opposite sex.

In the work, the king of the heart is positioned as a social worker or experienced in his field. Regarding promotion, the card gives advice to learn how to use power. In combination with positive cards, it symbolizes a successful ending to what has been started.

The most common combinations of cards with the king of clubs

The meaning of the cards in divination is interpreted depending on their combination. The king of clubs in combination with the king of spades means a partnership on mutually beneficial terms. With a lady, the heart speaks of good relations with relatives. With a lady, a tambourine marks success for you, as a result of the assistance of a friend.

With a lady, the cross indicates a marriage with a famous person. With a lady, the peak symbolizes harmonious family relationships. The jack of hearts in combination with the king of clubs predicts a meeting with an old comrade. But the jack of diamonds will indicate that the assistance provided will be rather doubtful.

The jack of clubs announces the appearance of a sponsor. The jack of spades in combination symbolizes help from a younger friend. A dozen worms will bring news of an old friend's move. With a ten of diamonds, it warns of a difficult situation in the family circle. Ten of clubs warns of the possibility of an accident with friends.

The ten of spades shows the real concern of comrades. The nine of hearts indicates that your friend is betraying or deceiving you. The nine of diamonds speaks of the imminent departure of the second half, it can be a business trip or a trip to the sea, visiting relatives. The nine of clubs predicts a conversation with an influential person. The nine of spades portends a friendly meeting.

The nine of spades in combination with the king of clubs portends a friendly meeting

The eight of hearts speaks of your hope for help from a certain woman. Eight tambourines prophesies a date with a mysterious stranger. Eight of clubs predicts news that is by no means inspiring. Peak eight speaks of troubles with friends that are related to health.

Seven hearts in combination with the king of the cross shows interest in a married person. With a tambourine seven predicts a good, profitable acquaintance. With a cross, seven gives a warning about problems in the family. Spades seven promises a fun, noisy party with friends.

Six heart predicts a meeting of old acquaintances. Diamond six promises a sudden offer from classmates. Six crosses says that on the way you will meet an interesting interlocutor. The peak six speaks of a boring road. The ace of heart shows a close friend at your home. The ace of diamonds says that you will hear from an old comrade.

With an ace of the cross means success in your endeavors. The ace of spades indicates the possibility of theft of your property in housing. Together with the card, the king of a tambourine portends a good deal. With a king, the heart indicates an acquaintance with a powerful, rich man. As you can see, in divination, the meaning of the cross king can be completely unexpected.

Divination Examples

The alignment of the "celestial astrological circle" makes it possible to obtain a forecast for the whole year. There are 13 cards involved in divination. They are laid out in a rhombus, and the 13th is placed in the center. It is from her that the general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe events that will occur in a year will depend. Depending on which suit prevails in the scenario, an interpretation is made:

  • the heart suggests emotional instability;
  • tambourines - feelings about the material condition;
  • cross - a person will be concerned about achieving recognition;
  • peaks indicate that a person will “go over their heads” in order to achieve their goals.

According to the seasons, the cards are interpreted as follows: tambourines - spring, crosses - summer, worms - autumn, peaks - winter.

The Gypsy layout is also an interesting option. The deck is shuffled, and then three cards are drawn at random and laid out separately, in a vertical position, forming an initial row that will symbolize the past.

Under the top row, three more cards are laid out in the same way, which will symbolize the present moment. The third row tells about the future. The tenth card is placed in the fourth row in the middle and is called fortune. Particular attention in reading the layout is given to suits:

  • the predominance of peak suits speaks of serious illnesses, receiving news of death, loss, trouble;
  • cross suits mean the same as the previous suit, but their meaning is less negative;
  • cards of a diamond suit speak of joy that will not come just like that, luck and success, which will have to be achieved with “blood and sweat”;
  • hearts predict good luck and prosperity.

Chirva - a suit that predicts good luck and prosperity

If all three or two cards of the same suit are in one row, then the nature of the events of a certain time period is interpreted precisely according to them. Also, according to this layout, you can read what kind of people surround a person, focusing on suits. In the layout, the value of each card is important.

  1. Ace means the highest degree of what is happening (for example, great joy or incommensurable grief), surprise.
  2. Kings and ladies are positioned with close people, friends.
  3. Jacks are strangers.
  4. Ten - the grandeur of the planned enterprises, the laying of great hopes.
  5. Nine - dealing with finances (expense or income).
  6. Eight - fussiness, chores.
  7. Seven - conversations of a different nature (rumors, censure, approval).
  8. Six means the road.

The meaning of the suits

According to the value of the suits, the cards are also distinguished. Kings of spades, ladies, jacks show people who enjoy respect, authority, often high-ranking persons.

They read the alignment, starting from the initial row from the past, from left to right, then they also read the next two rows. Then the value of the key card - fortune is determined. In the top row we see two kings of clubs with spades and a ten of diamonds.

The meaning of the combination is this: in the past, you had a person who helped you get back on your feet very quickly, financially, but because of this, your family relationships were shaken, you simply did not have enough time for your family, and you were a little rude in communicating with loved ones. But, the problems went into the background and everything was resolved by itself. Your financial situation is stable.

In the present fortuneteller, a jack of diamonds, a seven of clubs and a nine heart fall out, which indicates a rather fun pastime, although it is overshadowed by a quarrel with a younger person. A close relative will help to resolve the conflict situation by reconciliation.

In the last row lies an ace of crosses, six of spades, seven of diamonds - for the future you have a thorny path through gossip and insults. However, do not despair, but gather your will into a fist and you will succeed. In the end, it turns out that in your perception everything was much worse than it actually was. Everything will end with a monetary reward or you will be provided with moral support. Fortunka turned out to be an ace of heart, which speaks of great joy.

The king of hearts card from a regular deck gives a positive prediction. She points to a fair-haired, handsome man who is a friend and adviser. Sometimes, in combination with other symbols, it changes its meaning. The positive inherent in it smooths out the negative interpretations of the combinations.

General value

The appearance of this symbol promises good events:

  • a nice person will come to visit;
  • positive news;
  • reliability, safety in life.

If the king of hearts denotes a figure, then its interpretation is as follows: this is a mature man with a pleasant appearance. He attracts those around him. The symbol also indicates a married man. This is a man with a rich inner world and a big soul. Generosity, sociability, kindness are his main qualities.

Sometimes a playing card indicates the psychic abilities of a fortuneteller or a predisposition to them.

For some, it symbolizes home. The interpretation depends on the neighboring characters.

Description of personality

People symbolized by this sign become excellent parents. They excel at work, which often prevents them from being good spouses. Choosing the wrong partner can ruin their lives. They don't tolerate betrayal. The deceived king of hearts often turns into a tyrant. Do not quarrel with him, he always puts forward undeniable arguments. The person of this card has a heightened sense of justice. He is often entrusted with the functions of a peacemaker.

The type of people born under such a card is a sultan in a harem. Characteristic:

  1. Men often become don Juan. They should beware of representatives of the opposite sex of the tambourine suit.
  2. Women go to their goal, take the place of the head of the family. The best union for them is a man-tambourine, it is worth avoiding the spade suit.


In divination, the fall of the king of hearts testifies to various events. The value depends on the selected layout. For the process, they take a deck that was not used for gambling.

For relationships

Fortune telling for a woman portends attention from a man.

He will do everything to achieve the favor of his beloved. A person does not distinguish temporary sexual attraction from real feelings. This is often followed by disappointment and misunderstanding on the part of the partner.

The King of Hearts leads the love suit. His appearance in the layout indicates that the fortuneteller does not lack the attention of the opposite sex, even if he does not have a serious relationship. For a single woman, it means a new acquaintance.

For a career

The King of Hearts indicates a person who works in the social field. He is a professional in his field, so there should be no doubt about his competence.

If in fortune-telling for work a question is raised regarding a high position, then in this case they receive advice to learn how to lead.

Another meaning of the king of hearts card is honesty, stability.

For fate

For such fortune-telling, a deck of 36 cards is taken.

Married women look for the king of hearts, choosing 3 cards each time, they are placed in the center. The deck is shuffled and one card is drawn. It is of the greatest importance in fortune-telling:

  • lady of spades - sadness;
  • jack - chores, anxiety;
  • 8 peak, 10 peak - deterioration of health;
  • 6 - loss, loss;
  • 7 - anxiety, trouble;
  • 9, 10 tambourines - financial income;
  • 9, 10 worms - joy;
  • ace of tambourine - sending;
  • ace of hearts - news.

Combination with other cards

Of great importance is the suit of the characters that have fallen next to each other. It changes the general interpretation of the king of hearts. Combinations are interpreted as follows:

  • with peaks - trouble;
  • with tambourines - profit;
  • with crosses - chores, financial difficulties;
  • with worms - good luck.
personality description

Leading the suit of love, K recognizes that love is the highest power in the world. People with this Birth Card make great parents, but, unfortunately, not the best spouses. Devotion to children and their profession often prevents them from expressing love for their wife or husband.

Of course, the Heart Kings love all people with an elevated and unchanging love, but the wrong choice of a marriage partner often brings them trouble. In no case should they enter into a love affair on the basis of base motives.

The King of Hearts can turn into a tyrant like all other kings; but this happens to him only when his loved ones betray him. From the previous incarnation, the King of Hearts inherited the ability to control his emotions and wisely manage family life. If you have a King of Hearts in your family, consider yourself lucky.

People with this Birth Card can succeed in business, especially in the role of financial adviser. They achieve more success in business partnerships with other people than alone.

They are more than lucky also in legal matters. It is undesirable to argue and quarrel with them in vain: they will always find how to answer the challenge.

K are doomed to the loss of their beloved, but they know the truth and come to terms with these losses, although they experience pain in the same way as all people. Many Heart Kings are endowed with special mental and sometimes psychic abilities. They can reach the heights of their careers almost without difficulty.

relationships of the King of Hearts with other people

The King of Hearts is a great lover and father, but not a very successful husband. Like other kings, he can abuse his power. This is the King of Charm. Therefore, there are so many Don Juans among the representatives of this card; here it is worth recalling 8 , which is characterized by the same feature.

Archetype K is the sultan in the harem. It is curious that many K remain single, but are surrounded by women most of the time. These women may not be lovers, but simply students, family members or friends. But one way or another, K is always surrounded by admiring fans or groupies.

K-women face challenges because of their extraordinary strength and determination. They are able to be on a par with any man and often achieve to stand at the head of the family. Some men don't like it. And in general, K has a difficult character, and it is difficult to get along with such a person.

K is endowed with an unusually strong sense of justice when it comes to love relationships. He often stands up for other people if he considers them offended, and fulfills the role of a peacemaker at work and in his own family.

If the King of Hearts himself has been dishonestly treated, he is also looking for a way to restore justice.

Sooner or later, the King of Hearts will have to face karmically predetermined partnerships, in which they will see a reflection of their own indecision and the consequences to which it leads.

compatibility of the King of Hearts with other birth charts

K-women will be wise to avoid men of spades. Male Kings of Hearts should beware of female Tambourines, although the latter find them quite attractive. K-women can enter into a happy marriage with Tambourine men.

Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis - King of Hearts

Jacqueline Kennedy was a gorgeous lady with refined manners and an equally refined lifestyle. She won our hearts with her charm and artistry. We watched in admiration as she dressed and decorated the White House and as she ruled over the people in the spirit of the King of Hearts. After all, K is the lord of personal relationships, artistic inclinations and artistic style.

John F. Kennedy was 3♣. Given that Karmic Chart K is 2♣ , they were a perfect match in many ways. 2♣ - Map of the Moon for the Three of Clubs, and often this is a very favorable indicator for marriage. 3♣ is extremely indecisive in love affairs and almost always has extramarital affairs. Marilyn Monroe - Three of Spades - must have been of great interest to JFK, as 3♠ is Mercury's chart for 3♣. Marilyn, in turn, expected support from him in life, since the Three of Clubs was for her the Map of the Moon. But Kennedy, as president of the country, could not provide her with this support. One way or another, this love triangle was doomed to collapse, and we can learn a lot from its sad example.

When John was killed, Jacqueline showed the full power of her Birth Card. After all, K is, after all, the card of the father. And Jacqueline immediately took care of the well-being of her children. Many marveled at the steadfastness she showed for them during this difficult crisis. She later married Aristotle Onassis - Q . K merges with Q excellent communication on Venus and the Life Set, and indeed, Jacqueline and Aristotle were very fond of each other.

After the death of Aristotle, Jacqueline returned to New York and took up the publishing business. Here it should be remembered that her Karmic Map - 2♣ - is related to the field of communication. K are very tenacious and able to make their way in this area. In addition, they are sufficiently endowed with artistic taste.

A year before his death, Jacqueline's long-term spread was dominated by K♠ , associated with 6♠ and 7♠ . It was then that she began to have serious health problems. In the year she died, the layout was dominated by A and 9 associated with A♠ and 2♣ . All these cards are related to sickness and death. It is also interesting that at the time of her death, Jacqueline was in the period of Uranus associated with 3♣. It is possible that death for her meant in some way a return to her first husband, John F. Kennedy - 3♣.

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