What to give for 1 year old girl original. The first year of life: when the princess expects a holiday

A wide selection of children's products, which is now presented in stores, often baffles even experienced parents. And when you need to buy something as a gift for a niece and a friend's child, walking between the rows of toys can stretch for hours. The easiest option is to give money or ask the parents of the baby about what to give him. But if you want to make a pleasant surprise, or the little one has not yet learned to speak, you will have to rack your brains.

For the newly-made birthday girl on this day, everything is for the first time! Everyone is trying and getting excited!

Whatever you think of giving to a one-year-old child, it will be a gift for parents. So the first piece of advice is to ask them. Mom is preparing for this date, during this period there are already a lot of things she wants and needs, and she has something to answer.

In this article, we will talk about what to give a girl for 1 year old for her birthday. We have prepared 23 different gift options from which you can choose what is right for your child.

The first outfit in my life for the occasion - becoming a princess

How to choose the right gift for your baby

When you choose a gift for children, the first thing to look for is the quality. You need to make sure that the toy is safe for the baby:

  • If this wooden toy , then you need to make sure that there are no sharp corners, all edges are well processed and painted over, if soft- check the filler, if there is something sharp or piercing in it.
  • No harsh odors .
  • The toy must be not just beautiful but also useful. It should help the child learn and develop, because kids learn the world through the game.
  • Choose gifts in accordance with age , character And interests .

Beautiful, useful, educational wooden and soft toys ahead, on the agenda is a birthday cake with a single candle, touching to tears

Gifts for active girls

At the age of one, the girls are already very active. They know how to crawl well, stand without support, imitate the actions of adults. Most even know how to walk on their own. Independence brings great joy to kids. Therefore, a gift for a year, which allows you to run, jump, climb a lot, the girl will definitely like it.

  • balls. Where without the good old balls! You can come up with many fun games with them: roll on the floor, knock on the walls, catch when mom throws, run after the ball when he ran away. Balls develop coordination in children, develop logical thinking, dexterity. The ball is a win-win option, the kid will always find something to do with them.

A set of tactile sensory balls with a textured surface for active games of sensory development

  • Rubber jumpers for children will bring a lot of pleasure to the little fidget. This is not just a toy - it is a horse that will carry the baby towards a fun game. On such a toy, a child can jump for at least a whole day, splashing out a sea of ​​​​emotions.

Bright inflatable jumpers in the form of animals: unicorns, horses, cows, dogs, donkeys, deer and other animals - that's what you need

  • Bike necessary item in the life of every child . Of course, at the age of one, the girl herself still cannot ride it, but when her mother is nearby, all roads are open. Walks with such transport will become longer, which means that the baby will spend more time outdoors. You can buy a small tricycle, when the girl herself can reach the pedals, she will happily ride on her own.

The first personal transport - it's time to get behind the wheel

  • Wheelchairs with handles and ropes.The child is just starting to walk, he likes it all. And if your favorite toys move with him, there will be no end to the delight. Bright toys in the form of funny animals, butterflies, flowers will add great interest to the walk, the baby will walk more, run, forcing the toy to repeat his movements.

Polyethylene wheelchair on a string "Cat", which sings songs

A 1-year-old girl will also really like a wheelchair on a string.

  • Home sports complex . It is never too early to teach a child to play sports. And with a children's sports complex, it's also interesting. All kinds of labyrinths, slides, ladders will be a great pastime for the baby.

A sports corner, and even with a swing, is a great gift, do not forget to consult with your parents, after all, it will require space

  • Scooter . A great gift for a girl for a year is a scooter. It will become a simulator for the development of the vestibular apparatus. A year old girl should choose a model with a seat. The baby still can not keep a good balance.

A scooter with a seat will be just right, because it’s easier for a baby to move around on four supports, or at least three

  • Inflatable pool .Kids just love to splash in the water, especially on a hot summer day. Add more rubber toys or a water gun to the gift, and you won’t pull the baby out of the water by the ears.

Dry pool with colorful balls - endless joy

And with water it is even better if there is a summer house or for trips to nature

  • Sandbox.What child does not like to sculpt sand cakes. Such games help to strengthen children's fingers, develop fine motor skills, imagination. The sandbox is a great environment for the development of a small child.

Sandbox with a set of molds for Easter cakes - the beginning of the beginning. You need to play enough of them on time and start on time, 1 year is already time to take possession of your own sand kingdom

Gifts for house girls

At the age of one, girls are already trying to be like their mother, imitating her actions and activities. Pots, lids or spoons often become favorite pastimes at this age. Toys related to women's household chores will be a good gift for a girl.

  • interactive doll . Ordinary dolls are still of little interest to one-year-old girls. Another thing is if the toy will talk, read poetry, sing songs. Such a doll can become an incentive for the development of the baby's colloquial speech. An alternative to the doll can be other interactive little animals that are just as good. The girl will be very happy with such a gift.
  • Kitchen.A toy that will be interesting for a girl for a long time. The kit comes with dishes, toy vegetables, serving items. If you approach the choice of this game responsibly, the girl with great pleasure will be busy with preparing breakfasts and dinners.

The girl and the kitchen are a direct association. Immediately we instill the habit of a long stay at the open-hearth. At 2 years old, the first exam is cooking scrambled eggs.

  • Toy household appliances . Will please the young assistant. While mom is ironing clothes for the whole family, the baby will put the dolls' outfits in order.

We continue our acquaintance, these are household appliances, like mom's, only our own

  • Dishes.You can buy toy tableware for dolls. You can prepare a beautiful surprise in the form of a set of tableware for the girl herself. Find out in advance which fairy-tale character your child loves, and purchase a plate and a cup with his image. Every time a child eats or drinks compote, parents will remember you!

For complete happiness - a set of toy dishes, the baby will cook, and iron, and wash, and feed her dolls

Has the meaning All ! Actually, the gift itself without the correct design, just like a holiday without a variety of thematic content, is devoid of a bright emotional component, which hardly distinguishes it from an ordinary routine. We pay attention and understand that.

Gifts for creative girls

What to give a child for a year on his birthday, if a girl already at such a young age shows interest in drawing or modeling:

  • Easel.A very necessary thing, especially for kids who like to draw on cabinets or wallpaper. It will allow you to keep the posture of the child while drawing. In addition, the easel can become a full-fledged developmental center. Get magnetic numbers, letters, mosaics, playing with them, the baby will develop memory, imagination, fine motor skills.

While sitting, but we are already drawing, and who said that paintings are painted in oils, pencils or watercolors - masterpieces are created from everything that is at hand and this is wonderful

  • Table with chair . The kid will be happy with his separate place where he can draw, sculpt from plasticine. Children's furniture will be useful for a long time, as long as it fits the child in size.

At his own table, in his own chair, it is somehow better. Ask your parents if the girl does not have such a set yet, you will please the birthday girl and do a favor for mom and dad

  • Creator's Kit .The choice of kits for creativity today is huge: modeling dough with figurines of animals, flowers, Finger paint , applications. Such games develop fine motor skills, imagination, help memorize colors, names of objects.

Finger paint! Are you still in doubt?

If you still can’t decide what to give a girl for 1 year old, there are win-win options that both parents and baby will definitely like.

Educational games

  • Constructor - a toy that is suitable for children of different ages, including one-year-old crumbs. With her mother, she will be able to learn how to connect and separate parts, make simple designs. Choose models by age, with bright colorful drawings.

Designer for girls is perhaps one of the most popular gift items, which is not difficult to choose. The manufacturer classifies the design by sex and age. The main principle is light large parts without sharp corners and surfaces

  • Cubes.All kids love to build turrets, houses from cubes. This game is great for the early development of motor skills, logic, dexterity of the baby. You can choose soft models, they are safer.

Soft rubber cubes are another modern take on classic toys. The choice is huge, any theme is good each. These can be animals, birds, insects, trees, letters, etc. Start your acquaintance with the world around you with animals

  • Puzzles or mosaics . Great logic games for kids. Choose models with large parts that the child cannot swallow.

The first puzzles are the first step towards assembling a masterpiece of 25,000 pieces

  • Books.Little children love to be read to. From early childhood, they have favorite fairy tales and heroes, they also look at pictures with pleasure. Therefore, as a gift, choose books with high-quality illustrations.

Can't do without them ! This is the girl's first year, the first birthday and the impressions of the celebration and gifts. Together with the packaging, this component of the main children's day should be included and beautifully implemented in accordance with the age:.

Gifts suitable for all girls

  • Plush toy .It is believed that a plush toy is just a dust collector. But very often it is the soft animal that becomes the girl's favorite toy, with which she does not part for a very long time. Give a small teddy bear, perhaps he will become the best friend for the girl.

It is absolutely not necessary to give a giant teddy bear to a third of the room - special small toys for the development of tactile sensations - just right

  • Gold earrings or pendant . Could be the first step in raising a young princess. You need to get used to beauty from childhood, especially since there is a huge selection of jewelry models now. For girls, you can choose earrings in the form butterflies , flowers or berries .

And let the whole world know who is in front of him! Small gold earrings with secure fastening. We recommend that you specify the age when choosing and first obtain the approval of the mother

  • Clothes or shoes .All girls, even the smallest ones, are real fashionistas. They like to spin in front of the mirror, try on beautiful dresses and shoes. A gift in the form of a piece of clothing will greatly appeal to the young lady.

Beauty is harmony. Give beautiful dresses and shoes, shape and develop a sense of style and taste at once

  • Photo session. Children grow up very quickly. An excellent gift for a child for 1 year, especially a girl, will be a photo shoot. A few years later, all family members will be happy to look at photographs of their charming child.


We hope that among all of the above you were able to find what you wanted to give the girl for a year. It remains only to pack beautifully, attach a large bow and do not forget about the balls!

Due to age characteristics, he has no preferences, hobbies, special habits and hobbies, which is why he will have to try to please the birthday man. Moreover, I want to buy useful, safe, colorful gifts.

Preparing a present is much easier for those who are already a parent or are well acquainted with the hero of the occasion. If the guests have maternal or paternal everyday life ahead, you should get acquainted with the main features of the development of babies 12 months old.

In most cases a one year old can:

  • walk;
  • dance;
  • repeat certain actions and sounds after adults;
  • say a few simple words;
  • eat from a spoon;
  • chew hard food cut into small pieces;
  • interact with objects.

A child at 12 months of age does not eat sweets, which is why it is extremely inappropriate to give him boxes of chocolates or chocolates, even if from well-known brands.

One year is the age of research. Toddlers actively learn about the world around them, and ordinary, from the point of view of adults, objects are of interest: a saucepan lid, a sponge for washing dishes, brushes for cleaning shoes.

Of course, it’s not at all necessary to give this, it’s just important to understand that at 1 year old, a child is interested in objective activities, interaction with surrounding objects.

At this time, children begin to be interested, with much more attention to pyramids, cubes and balls. In addition, babies often glance towards books, dolls and cars.

The first birthday of a child is a special day, so it is better to consult with the parents of the hero of the occasion. Perhaps the crumbs already have what you wanted to please him. In this case, mom will tell you what they are missing.

Probably, the child needs a specific doll or a certain costume for going out. If relatives are modest, ready-made holiday ideas will come in handy. So, what gifts can you buy for a one-year-old boy or girl?

Toy library for the hero of the day: toys for the soul, sports and development

The idea that an abundance of toys is good for a child is wrong. One-year-old children, due to their peculiarities, can play simultaneously with 2 - 3 game accessories.

Toys need to be updated regularly so that they correspond to age norms, developmental characteristics of the child, help to form new skills and simply do not let the little mischievous get bored.

Popular "gift" toys

Birthday 1 year is the perfect reason to complement the nursery with new toys that are popular with both little princesses and future men.

This game device is a wheeled wheelchair: from pink models for "ladies" to brutal "SUVs".

Thus, the gift will appeal to both girls and boys. Moreover, you can play with such a toy even in 2 years.

Such a toy can be set in motion both by the child himself, pushing off the floor or asphalt with his feet, and by parents with the help of a special handle installed at the back, or a rope that is tied to the front.

There are standard toys, as well as tolocars with musical accompaniment, with flashing lights, sparkling lights. Paying attention, first of all, is the ability to move on a tolokar, all other functions are secondary.

The budget version of the tolokar is a regular wheelchair that the baby can either push in front or pull along with a rope.

Rocking chairs and jumpers

Such toys are usually made in the form of an animal. The usual option for everyone is a horse on runners, but ducks, cats, lions, elephants and other animals are on sale. Often, the set also includes wheels, which expands the child's play repertoire - now he can ride a horse.

Jumpers are also found in various versions: deer, donkeys, zebras. The child can ride on them like a real rider, which contributes to the development of the vestibular apparatus, coordination of actions, motor dexterity and muscle strengthening.

You should not buy a textile or woolen rocking horse, since a baby at the age of 3 is able to write on a toy, what can we say about a one-year-old toddler. In order not to force parents to constantly wash the rocking chair, it is better to purchase a “horse” made of wood or plastic.

Rocking chairs and jumpers

A doll or baby doll is an ideal gift for a girl both at 3 years old and at 12 months old. You should not take a toy that is too heavy, because it is important that the little housewife can babysit the naked one, put it in the crib or take it with her to another room.

You should also focus on the "toy girl" with proportional body parts and similar to a person.

There are many options in stores for all ages, including one-year-olds. A good option is a baby doll that can cry and eat.

A classic doll is a toy for growth, because a girl, growing up, will learn to dress and undress her, comb her hair, and perform other game actions that are very important for the correct and timely socialization of a child.

baby doll

Doll carriages

You can replace an ordinary wheelchair with a stroller, especially if the little birthday girl already has a doll or another guest will give it. At this age, girls do not yet play mother-daughters (imitation will come a little later), but they love to walk with the help of additional support.

Focus on a stroller of average cost, the main thing is that it be made of metal. Cheap models are often made of brittle plastic, which can break if the child begins to lean on the structure. In this case, even injuries are possible.

Doll carriages

House or tent

If adults do not know what to buy for a one-year-old toddler or what to give a child for 2 years, then you can consider purchasing an inexpensive, but very functional home tent.

Such devices are different in shape and appearance: a standard "hut", a house, a train, a machine, a fungus. On sale there are also models consisting of two blocks connected by a flexible tunnel.

The child will definitely like his secret corner in which he can play with his favorite toys. Curiously, many parents adapt tents to store their many play supplies.

children's house

Accessories for walking and sports

One-year-olds move more than babies. Therefore, you can consider the option of playing devices for the development of large motor skills.

If you decide to give your child something sporty, rocking or moving around for your child's birthday, don't forget about safety. Such devices must be equipped with protective straps so that the baby does not fall out during the game.

A great alternative to a stroller. This option is preferable if the baby does not sleep during the festivities, but learns the world around him with interest. Some children generally protest when sitting in a stroller, but they feel great on a bicycle.

The child pedals, and when tired, the bike goes under parental control thanks to the handle-holder that turns the front wheel.

You should take a three-wheeled vehicle with a reserve for the future, so that the baby can ride it even at 3 years old.

In such models, the handle, footrests and sides can be removed. You should also give preference to bikes with a deep hood that protects from rain and sun.


Every child should have a snow scooter in the “car park”. A quality product will please the baby for several years, it is also suitable as a gift for a 2-year-old boy or girl. And if at first the mother will roll, then the child himself will be able to go down the hill.

By the way, today you can find models with wheels on skids, which allows you to transport sleds on asphalt, indoors. This is very convenient for mothers who are busy with the baby and shopping.

Such a device, filled with bright plastic balls, is a rather expensive and oversized gift. Therefore, it is better to purchase a pool for cottages, and not for an apartment.

As an option - buy a small arena-trampoline, fenced with a net. In it, the baby will jump, and if you fill it with the same balls or small balls, then the child will be able to use it as a dry pool.

Pediatricians also approve of such devices, since games in a dry pool improve large and fine motor skills, and reduce increased muscle tone.


Almost all one-year-olds love to swing. Therefore, you can give the hero of the day a children's swing, of course, you need to choose a special, "home" model that can be attached to a horizontal bar or consoles on the ceiling.

It is important to choose the strongest and safest toy, additionally equipped with straps. In this case, the swinging child will not fall out and will not be injured.

Swing for a child

Educational toys

In general, almost all play equipment for one-year-old children can be called educational, but there are toys on sale that are specifically designed to improve certain functions. Let's consider them in more detail.

teaching table

In children's stores you can find a variety of models of such developmental centers, but their device is similar - several toys are collected on the surface of the table.

Most often, manufacturers equip such centers with sorters, pyramids, constructors. With their help, children learn to sort objects by shape, color and size. Such gaming devices will help develop attentiveness, perseverance, coordination of movements and logic.

If earlier a girl or boy 3 months old was bought special surfaces with numerous toys for the development of sensory skills, then an older child will like a puzzle mat, which immediately several advantages:

  • the baby improves attentiveness, fine motor skills, thinking;
  • the device helps to learn numbers and letters;
  • it can be used as a soft cover for other outdoor games;
  • Such toys are able to decorate any children's room.
  • prevent the development of flat feet and other foot pathologies;
  • form a physiologically correct arch of the foot;
  • act on reflexogenic points located on the surface of the foot;
  • train the muscles of the legs;
  • improve the overall condition of the motor system.

Floor mats are a very useful toy, however, only parents can appreciate all its advantages.

Developing mat

bath toys

For a child who loves to spend a lot of time in the bath, gifts in the form are suitable. There are a lot of varieties of them: submarines, pirate ships, fishing, water pistols and other gaming devices.

A very interesting option is a magic faucet that is attached to the bathtub wall and delivers water through a pump into special molds. Such an interactive toy will surely attract children's attention and will allow even the kid who did not like water procedures to be carried away by bathing.

Bath toys

A child of the first year can also receive a special educational easel for his birthday, which combines a wooden sketchbook and several exciting game devices.

Thus, the device may be from toys such as:

  • abacus;
  • watch;
  • wire labyrinth;
  • alphabet;
  • slate.

Some devices consist of 7 (!) parts. They look like pyramids or cubes, on the faces of which educational toys are located. These games can be played by a small group.

Such a multifunctional easel (and in fact - a real game center) allows you to improve logic, spatial thinking and perception, fine motor skills of fingers.

Children's easel

Musical toys

This group includes both instruments for the smallest (such as a flute, pipe or drum), and multifunctional music centers, which are tables on whose playing surface various devices are located.

Playing with musical instruments is extremely useful for the comprehensive development of the child. They are of particular benefit for the speech sphere, since phonemic hearing and sound perception, a sense of rhythm are improved.

In addition, manipulations with tools allow improving motor dexterity, fine motor skills, coordination of actions, and mental abilities.

The purchase must be coordinated with the parents of the birthday boy. Not every mom and not every dad will agree to listen for days on end as a child knocks on a drum or plays “roulades” with the help of a very loud-sounding pipe.

Musical toys

toy bowling

Quite a non-standard gift for a boy or girl, but very useful. Knocking down pins, the kid actively moves, develops an eye, coordination of actions. Regular classes make the baby more dexterous, dexterous and skillful.

The skittles themselves are made of materials that differ in texture and color. This allows you to further improve sensory, tactile sensations. Additionally, the baby will be able to learn the shades by placing the skittles in a certain color order.

toy bowling

For 1 year old, you can give the child "smart" books, whose pages or pictures are voiced. By pressing the buttons, the child will be able to hear the voice of the narrator or the sounds that domestic or wild animals and birds make.

Looking at such interactive books is great for the evening, when the baby is resting from active entertainment and getting ready to fall asleep. The repertoire of "speaking" publications is wide - you can buy books about animals, colors, fairy-tale characters, nature, etc.

Do not forget about the traditional developing gaming devices. These include sorters, nesting dolls, pyramids, puzzles, constructors.

Such toys form logic, teach the child the initial mathematical concepts, develop spatial thinking, imagination, coordination of movements.

An important rule is to purchase toys with large parts so that the baby cannot swallow them during the entertainment process. Children at two and three years old love to drag objects into their mouths for deeper study. So be careful when choosing gifts.

Interactive children's books

Practical gifts

These gifts are evaluated by parents, because the baby does not yet understand the practicality of the items. However, their usefulness is still high. Most often, such practical souvenirs are made by close relatives who often visit the birthday man at home and know how things are with the “dowry”.

Bed dress

Banal gift? It is possible, but the pursuit of originality is not always the best option. Before buying, be sure to ask the mother of the hero of the day how many children's bedding sets are in the house. If there is a shortage of them, you can buy.

To make the gift not only beautiful, but also memorable, you can order beautiful embroidery or appliqué on the duvet cover. You can even embroider the name of the child, it will look very advantageous and attractive.

They also buy pillows and blankets for the children. Previously, these accessories were not used, because children under one year old should not sleep on rollers. So why not give a gift to a child in the form of a quality pillow or blanket?

children's bed set

Beautiful suits and dresses are another gift option for close relatives.

It is best to choose such clothes for a specific season, for example, elegant overalls are bought in winter, and summer ones, respectively, closer to the hot season.

Should I buy shoes for a child as a gift? A very difficult question, because when choosing a couple, one should take into account many nuances that are often known exclusively to parents.

It is also worth solving such a problem together with the mother of the birthday man.

If you decide to buy children's things, then you do not need to focus on age indicators. One child is very large, the second is much smaller than the “norm”, the third is within standard sizes. You need to find out today's measurements from your parents and take a larger size - for growth.

baby clothes

Hygiene set for teeth

From about 12 months of age, experts advise accustoming a child to cleansing the oral cavity. That's why you can give a little birthday boy a whole hygiene kit, consisting of several brushes with high-quality soft bristles, special pastes.

In addition, during this age period, children are often worried about teething, so it is quite possible to include a teether in the set, of course, also high-quality and safe.

children's dental kit

Subscription to the pool

If the baby is not indifferent to swimming, and all households tend to lead a healthy lifestyle, regularly visiting the pool, loved ones who know about this can give a subscription to visit this institution.

The first birthday of a baby is an important milestone in his life and the life of his mother and father, it is not surprising that many guests of this small anniversary tend to especially celebrate such a symbolic date.

In this case, you can make presents that will allow you to preserve and increase the memories of infancy, or presents that hint that the child will grow up very soon:

  • photo session certificate A great surprise that every family member (perhaps with the exception of the baby himself) will love. After all, memories of beautiful outfits and the festival itself will be preserved;
  • photographic album handmade. You need to ask the mother of the birthday boy for his best pictures and arrange an album in the scrapbooking style. This can be done independently or ordered from the master;
  • vintage wine. Get a bottle of an expensive drink, attach a piece of paper with a wish to try wine on the day of majority. Very unusual, you can even offer to bury the bottle in the ground;
  • tree sapling. Another option for a “long-lasting” gift is to give a tree that can be planted in a summer cottage or cottage plot;
  • silver spoon. If this cutlery was not handed over after the first tooth that came out, then you can give it today;
  • stadiometer. The child now stands on his own, so you can already make vertical marks. The door jamb is not very suitable for this, so a present in the form of a special device will be useful;
  • box for curls. This item is ideal for the first anniversary date, because it is at this age that many parents cut their strands and keep them for the rest of their lives. The chest is perfect for such a purpose.

You should not give hygiene products and food for children for a birthday for 1 year. These items should be chosen exclusively by parents. It is also worth abandoning toys for children of a younger or older age group.

Organization of the celebration

The question of what to give a child is certainly important. However, we should not forget about other aspects of the celebration. How to celebrate the first birthday of a child? There are many things to consider: the menu, the choice of venue, various competitions.

Basic Rules

In order for the holiday to pass without problems, and the celebration to become joyful, safe and hassle-free, you can use a few helpful tips:

  1. Do not show all the gifts to the baby. Naturally, he will want to play with every toy, so he will definitely be capricious. It is better to organize a special place for gifted things.
  2. The duration of the celebration should correspond to the age of the birthday person. The maximum celebration can take 3.5 hours, otherwise the child will simply overwork.
  3. Saturated moments are best distributed evenly throughout the festival so that the child does not get tired. Contests or congratulations should be alternated with rest and even sleep.
  4. The question of how to organize contests and participation in them of the birthday boy, decide, focusing on the characteristics of the baby. If he loves attention, let him stay in the center of events, and vice versa.
  5. For the main character and his peers, you need to make room in the nursery and provide play accessories. Children need to walk, run, play - in general, move.
  6. Pre-hide all valuables, sharp and fragile items. During the celebration, adults will not be able to track every child's action, and security must be ensured.
  7. If nursing mothers come, then part of the room must be covered with a screen. You can generally give one room for feeding the kids and changing diapers.
  8. The little hero of the day should be regularly taken out to another room so that he stays with his mother and without haste examines all the donated gizmos.

Mom will be disturbed by one single question: how to celebrate the first birthday. So she will not be up to photographing. Therefore, it is better to forward the function of "paparazzi" to one of the guests.

Sometimes adults go to nature on their birthday, go to a cafe or go to relatives. Some parents even invite animators, arranging a grand celebration.

But the question of where and how to celebrate a year old child still remains relevant. Psychologists are convinced that such a small birthday boy feels best at home.

The first birthday of a child is always a stressful situation for the child's psyche, so it is important to give the baby a chance to rest or even take a nap. The easiest way to do this is at home.

If you decide that a home holiday is the best option, you need to think about how to decorate an apartment and a separate nursery. For ceremonial decoration, you can use the following ideas:

  • prepare bright banners: “Happy birthday!”, “We wish you happiness!”, “Happy first year”, etc .;
  • use lamp garlands, bows, sequins made by yourself or bought in a store for decoration;
  • inflate balloons;
  • glue on the surface images of your favorite cartoon characters of the hero of the day;
  • on the front door you can put a huge number "1";
  • decorate the apartment with a wall newspaper, in which there will be pictures of both the child himself and his parents at his age;
  • if possible, create a family tree on paper with images of all known close relatives.

The question of how to celebrate the birthday of a child at 1 year old must be decided very thoughtfully, so the number of invited guests should also be taken into account. You should not call a lot of people, it is tiring for the birthday man. It is enough to invite only the closest relatives: grandparents, aunts, uncles, godparents.

Often, other children of the same age as the hero of the day are invited to the celebration so that the baby is not bored. This option is not excluded, but it is important to understand that such children do not yet know how to play together, so someone will have to spend all the time with them.

Birthday script

First birthday contests are the most important element of a successful celebration. So that the people who come do not get bored, it is necessary to prepare a script, constantly organize those present - that is, fill this event with interesting fun and entertainment.

Main competitions at home

There are many options for competitions, below are examples of the simplest, but, at the same time, interesting competitions. What games and competitions at home will delight and amuse guests?

  • birthday letter. The meaning of this competition is to write a congratulation for the hero of the day using random epithets. The parent has ready-made words for which the guests select adjectives. It turns out quite funny. The winner is the participant who chooses the funniest epithet;
  • water drinkers. Adult participants are given baby bottles with nipples. In 60 seconds, participants need to suck out the maximum amount of water. For fun and entourage, you can choose the appropriate music;
  • "who does he look like?" In advance, you need to put pieces of paper with the names of the parts of the body in the envelope. Participants must take out cards and write on the back who the hero of the day is like, for example, with ears, hand, etc. Then the facilitator counts the similarities and names the adult "analogue" of the birthday boy;
  • "tower". To build a turret, you need to stock up on plastic jars from under the purees. Two participants in a minute without hands build a turret from the proposed containers, inserting jars into each other. The winner is the player who builds the tallest structure.

You can also come up with contests for children for a birthday at home. The simplest is to invite the kids to walk (or crawl) a certain distance. For example, children should approach their mothers at the signal of an adult. Naturally, for 2 years old competitions will be different, since a child of 2 years old is not interested in previous competitions.

Main Traditions

How to make the most of this day? Of course, include several traditional rituals in the celebration scenario. The first is the symbolic cutting of curls. Godparents take turns cutting short strands from the four sides of the head in the shape of a cross.

Another common ritual - the hero of the day chooses a thing that determines his future. The child is planted on a sheepskin (as an option - a natural sheepskin coat turned inside out) and they are offered several items to choose from.

What the baby picks up, as many adults are convinced, will determine the future life. Eg:

  • banknotes - financial well-being;
  • keys - wealth;
  • pen - the career of a scientist or teacher;
  • glomerulus - a long century;
  • brush - will grow up as an artist;
  • comb - will be a hairdresser or stylist;
  • ring - a happy family life.

These things should not be placed in a pile, but at a certain distance. There is a conviction that the child will intuitively choose the object that is closest to him in terms of "aura". That is why this ritual is not just entertainment, but even the establishment of fate.

The question of what to cook for guests and the birthday man is no less important than the problem of how to celebrate this grand event. The festive table should please everyone, and at the same time it must be useful to little guests.

The ideal option is to organize a buffet, while you should pay attention not to the variety of dishes, but to the “cool” design. Examples of a fascinating menu can be viewed on the Internet.

For the smallest participants in the celebration, you need to set a separate table with bright and funny dishes. For example, for "year-olds" fruit cuts, designed in the form of animals, cartoon characters, are suitable.

Another dish that can be prepared for a birthday is cookies, which are decorated with fruit slices. Skillful housewives make original sweets from the same ingredients, which are wrapped in beautiful wrappers.

The main meal (porridge or soup) is also decorated solemnly. So, a dish with thick soup or porridge is decorated with the number "1" from fruit or vegetable slices (it all depends on the type of dish). You can decorate the plates beautifully with greenery.

The main symbol of the festive menu is, of course, the cake! It must be appropriate for the solemn moment, bright, with various decorations and a candle, which the hero of the day then blows out (with the help of his parents).

Should a child eat this cake? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. If the sweetness is prepared at home, by your mother or a person you trust, does not contain harmful substances, then a small slice of a delicious cake will not harm the baby.

How to complete the first birthday?

You need to end the holiday calmly, without active games and entertainment. Experienced mothers recommend writing memorable letters to the child at the end of the celebration. Each guest fills out a piece of paper presented to him, describing the wishes that must be fulfilled in 17 years.

You can write recommendations, instructions, wishes for the future. The author then dates, seals the envelope, and signs his "correspondence." Mom and dad put these messages in a small chest for safekeeping. The child himself will read the letters for adulthood.

By the way, this box can be just a present. The donated item is also useful for storing other valuables: medals from the maternity hospital, tags, candles from the cake, rattles and other items important for parents.

It is interesting to celebrate the 1 year old child - a rather difficult task for mom and dad. However, if you think through all the nuances, then the celebration will become bright and unforgettable. Just remember to capture all the important moments with a video camera.

Thus, the question of what to give a child for 1 year and how to celebrate the event itself is not the easiest, but very exciting. Many conditions must be taken into account, but the reward will be the good mood of the smallest birthday boy and his parents.

The first birthday is an important event in the life of a child, a lot of people will come to visit him, congratulate him on his anniversary, give gifts and show a lot of attention! And even if children at this age do not yet realize the significance of this holiday, nevertheless, years later, looking through numerous photographs, they will remember that wonderful period with a smile.

Earlier we told, but today we will tell you what to give a girl for 1 year. You can give really wonderful things for a birthday, the top 25 best gifts are presented below.

What to give a girl for a year on her birthday.

1. An easel for drawing.

Thanks to such a gift, the baby will learn to draw with crayons or markers, which will also allow her to discipline and teach her to draw only on this portable board, and not on the walls. We recommend buying a double-sided easel with two boards, one for drawing with crayons, the other white for drawing with water-based markers. Before buying, check the stability of the structure, as well as the presence of a stand for crayons and markers. Magnets with letters or numbers are often supplied with such boards, they must be removed from the use of such a young child, given out only when they grow up.

2. Floor or hanging swing.

Children love to spend time on swings, so the little one will be very happy with such a gift, especially since the portable swing can be placed in one of the rooms in the house or taken outside if desired. Swings for small children should be equipped with a comfortable chair with a crossbar so that the child does not fall out of the seat.

3. Busyboard.

A great gift for a young inquisitive person. A business board is a board on which all kinds of elements are fixed: door handles, doorbells, bells, door chains, locks, and more. In general, on the board there is everything that haunts the child in ordinary life. If you are concerned about the question of what to give a girl for a year, so that the thing is at the same time interesting, useful and developing, then the business board fully meets the voiced requirements. Moreover, according to the site, such a board is the best gift for a one-year-old child.

4. Tricycle with holder.

Very soon, the baby will learn to pedal a bicycle herself, but for now, parents can seat their princess on the seat and roll her along the streets of their beloved city, pushing the handle specially provided for this purpose.

5. Children's playhouse.

Another great gift, the child will enjoy spending time in his tent house, and will often pull his parents by the hand in order to invite them to play in his home. On sale you can find tents in the form of houses, cars, castles or cozy 3D rooms. The photo below, on the right, shows an example of a house-room, great, isn't it ?! Before buying a house, you need to pay attention to the parameters of the room where a gift can be installed; for small rooms it is better to buy small houses. By the way, in such a tent it is great to store the child's toys, so they will all lie in one place, and not scattered around the house.

6. Swimming pool.

On the eve of summer, such a gift will be very useful, choose a pool with miniature slides and a symbolic roof, so the baby will not get a headache when playing in the pool. For a one-year-old girl, the pool should be shallow in depth, and never filled with water to the top. Also, the child should not be left for a minute when she plays in the pool.

7. Dry pool.

Very cool thing! A pool filled with plastic balls perfectly relieves muscle tone, which is very important at the age of one, perfectly relaxes and generally has a positive effect on the physical condition of the child. On sale you can find a pool by the type of arena with mesh walls, there are also inflatable and foam rubber variations. The most stable and practical is the foam pool. If the balls do not come with it, buy them separately, they are usually sold in large packages from 50 to 100 pieces, respectively, the more balls, the more interesting it is to play in the pool.

8. Children's rocking chair.

If earlier wooden horses were mainly sold, now you can meet all kinds of animals, from a crocodile to Winnie the Pooh. It will be more comfortable for a child to sit on a soft rocking chair, but a wooden or plastic one is less susceptible to pollution.

9. Sledge.

You can give a sled to a winter girl. You can buy a traditional sled with a metal frame and colored wooden boards in the seat area, or look at a model with soft themed covers, so parents do not have to put a warm blanket on the seat. There are also excellent models of sleds with additional wheels. If the snow on the streets is bald, or when walking it is necessary to cross the cleared road, such wheels simply fall down, and the sledge is already rolling on them, and does not scratch the runners.

10. Talking books.

All children without exception like interactive books; for a girl, you can pick up books with fairy tales about princesses or beautiful children's songs. In the first minutes, the parents themselves will press the buttons, but then the baby has already figured out what's what will deftly click on the buttons without too much help. We recommend buying books with beautiful fairy tales that the book itself tells, children love to listen to them.

11. Sandbox.

A convenient sandbox will please the birthday girl very much, you can buy a folding sandbox model that can be removed for autumn-winter or a sandbox on legs with a lid. The latter, by the way, is very convenient, the girl will not climb into it completely, but will sculpt the beads while at the side.

12. Large sorter.

Such a toy perfectly develops the child's attentiveness, at first the baby will not be able to correctly select the figures according to the grooves, but after a while she will do this procedure without a hitch.

13. Wheelchair with a stick.

Such an entertaining toy is sure to please the girl, she will roll it on the floor for a long time. It is better to pick up wheelchairs that make some melodic sounds or start blinking when moving.

14. Children's night light projector.

A night projector is the best answer to the urgent question of what to give a girl for a year on her birthday, so that in the end the gift makes an impression and is not thrown into a dark box. Choose a projector equipped with a variety of pleasant lullabies, as well as a beautiful cartoon projection.

15. Children's vacuum cleaner.

At the age of one, the period of indispensable help to the mother begins, and repetitions of all her actions, a real vacuum cleaner, as well as a broom and a dustpan, become especially beloved. Give your little one a vacuum cleaner of their own, though a toy battery-operated one that perfectly mimics the sound of a real vacuum cleaner.

16. Doll or baby doll.

Well, how can a birthday be complete without a gift doll or baby doll. Buy an interesting toy that makes sounds or sings songs. A doll with hair, unlike a hairless baby doll, will often change hairstyles over time, so it is a great gift.

17. Low slide.

A low slide for rolling down is also very popular with the baby. It will help develop physical strength in the girl and prevent fear of heights.

18. Play mat with streets.

A bright-colored rug for games with painted streets and shops, salons and cafes will be very popular with the girl, firstly, it’s warm to sit on such a rug, and secondly, as soon as she starts to think about what is drawn on it, she will come up with her own role-playing games.

19. Musical toys.

At this age, any musical toy will be greeted with a bang, a pink drum, a purple synthesizer, a children's saxophone, a guitar, a xylophone, etc. will do. Ideally, the toy should be equipped with a large number of buttons that make different sounds.

20. Magnetic drawing board.

An excellent alternative to an easel, a child can easily carry such a board from place to place, and independently erase their kalyaki-paintings with one hand movement. And if it is also musical, then the little princess will be completely delighted.

21. Tolokar for a girl.

Such cars exist not only for boys, they are also very suitable for girls, only in girlish shades: pink, purple or purple. If there is a horn on the steering wheel, then the gift will not only be excellent, but magnificent.

22. Music pyramid.

It’s just that the baby probably already has a pyramid, but it’s unlikely that it’s musical, the essence of such a pyramid is that every time the ring hits the base, a sound is made, and in some models the backlight also lights up. Pyramids are known to be one of the best educational children's items.

23. Dance mat.

At about a year old, together with the first steps, the kids learn rhythms, listen carefully to music and actively dance. So, when pressed with a foot, the dance mat makes melodious sounds, which will definitely please the birthday girl.

24. Musical game table.

Another great sound toy, firstly, it is voluminous, secondly, it is equipped with many buttons, and thirdly, there are often numbers and letters on the surface of the table, which will allow the child to easily cope with learning the alphabet and counting.

25. Constructor.

Well, how can it be without a constructor, because it is the constructor that will allow the baby to develop the creative potential, at first it will be difficult for her to even get into the grooves correctly, but over time she will learn and will build magnificent elements: bridges, houses and so on.

How to organize a holiday for a one-year-old baby:


So, today we told you what to give a girl for 1 year old. You certainly won’t have to go empty-handed to the birthday of a little princess, because a lot of great things can be presented as a gift to a little princess, but now you know what! Top 25 best gifts for one year old girls to help you!

Choosing a gift for a one year old girl is important because it will be one of the first in her life. This thing should be bright, interesting for the child and it is desirable to play an educational role or develop children's intelligence. What is the best gift for a girl for a year?

Features of choosing a gift for 1 year old girl

To make the daughter’s birthday joyful and happy, parents should take into account certain nuances when choosing a gift for her:

  1. What you are going to give a child should be appropriate for his age. A one-year-old daughter is unlikely to be interested in primitive rattles or books like encyclopedias.
  2. You should not give sweets to your daughter for a year, because in large quantities they can cause diathesis (allergies).
  3. It is a bad idea to choose a construction set with small details as a gift for a little girl, as there is a risk that the child will swallow some of the details.
  4. Too intricate toys controlled via a remote control or having many small buttons and other details are not suitable for such babies.

What to give your daughter for a year

When choosing a gift for the holiday, you should be based on what your daughter loves and is interested in. You can ask her what she would like to receive. Many one-year-old babies already have certain desires. As a rule, toys for girls at 1 year old are different from boys. Little princesses prefer to receive beautiful decorations, toy kitchens, fancy clothes, dolls, strollers. However, there are exceptions when girls like cars, cartoon characters, tool kits and balls. Let us dwell on the most successful gift options for daughters for a year.

Educational game for kids

In modern stores there are many different educational toys for one-year-old babies. It is recommended to purchase them only at specialized points of sale that have certified products. What to give a child for 1 year to develop motor skills, logic, creativity, imaginative thinking:

  1. Game table. It looks like a multifunctional panel with different sound elements that squeak, whistle, rustle. Small hammers and oilcloth books are attached to the table.
  2. Music rug. At first, it may be difficult for your daughter to figure out this "mechanism", but over time, the baby will more and more boldly switch melodies with her legs, holding on to the back of a chair or her mother's hand.
  3. Motley cubes. For a daughter for a year, this will be a wonderful and timely gift. Using large cubes or other shapes, the baby will begin to create different structures: mountains, houses or even palaces. This toy stimulates the development of coordination and imaginative thinking of the child.
  4. Sorter, pyramid or set of wooden figures. The set includes a special stand with holes and elements of various shapes (vegetables, fruits, geometric shapes), which must be placed in the desired gaps.
  5. Special construction kits for little ones. The child, together with his parents, will be able to build entire cities from multi-colored "bricks". A great example of these sets is Lego Duplo.
  6. Sand set. This is a great gift for a 1 year old. The set, as a rule, includes several types of scoops, a bucket and various molds for modeling.
  7. Toy mobile phones, microphones, etc. They have several buttons, when pressed, multi-colored lights will light up and various sounds will be heard.
  8. Naked dolls. Such dolls consist of large and durable parts, they are interesting to assemble and disassemble.

Tolokar or bicycle

To the question “what is better to give a daughter for a year, so that she definitely likes the present?” it is worth answering - everything that rides. Children of this age category are delighted with tricycles, strollers, tolocars. Today, there are many vehicles for children that parents can drive, such as cars with high handles to pull or push a toy. In addition, one-year-old girls are very fond of swings. They are not very difficult to attach to doorways if you live in an apartment.

Soft toy

As a rule, one-year-old girls do not yet have formed preferences, therefore, most likely, they will be delighted if they are presented with a large plush toy. Babies in this age group are happy to take on the responsibility of trying to look like a mom. Therefore, great birthday gifts for girls are soft toys that they can put in a stroller, dress up and carry with them everywhere.

Beautiful doll

It is fashionable for a daughter to present a doll for a year. It is better that you can take off your clothes from it, and there were many outfits in the kit. One-year-old girls like dolls that talk and close their eyes. In addition, in stores you can buy special houses, toy dishes and other interior items for the child's new favorite. Try to choose dolls for your daughter that are as similar as possible to people, with normal body proportions.

Set of toy household appliances

Even from a very early age, girls can be taught to work, especially since most children themselves show interest in housework. An excellent gift for a daughter for a year will be a toy kitchen, where the baby will be able to create her own culinary masterpieces. On sale there are both the most primitive plastic sets, and more expensive ones with sizzling pans and real dishes.

An equally original gift for a one-year-old daughter will be a set of household appliances: a miniature washing machine, an ironing board with an iron, a vacuum cleaner, a sewing machine, etc. If your baby is interested in needlework, give her a sewing kit. Such gifts will help develop a sense of responsibility in the girl and instill a love for ordinary household chores.

What gift to give a child for 1 year

On the birthday of the child, as a rule, they are presented with a huge number of toys. However, this can frighten a one-year-old girl, the baby simply will not be able to appreciate new things - they will all be lost in the total mass of gifts. Therefore, it is better to discuss in advance with relatives and friends what presents it is better not to give your daughter. There are different price categories of gifts for babies.


A gift for a daughter for a year can be bought in children's stores or on the Internet (online services offer extensive catalogs of goods for babies). Budget presents for one-year-old girls include goods whose price in Moscow does not exceed 2000-3000 rubles. These gifts are:

  • beautiful stand for a toothbrush;
  • dolls, soft toys;
  • nominal set of dishes (mug, plate);
  • small play tent, swing;
  • wheelchair toy (for example, a horse);
  • pairs for mom and baby (the baby will be delighted, because she loves to imitate her mother so much);
  • board for drawings with crayons.


Many parents prefer to give their child practical gifts that will be useful to him or teach him something new. Such presents for a daughter for a year will be:

  • table with a chair;
  • a set of bright notebooks, albums, felt-tip pens;
  • clothes or shoes for the baby (dress, T-shirt, sandals, etc.);
  • bed sheets;
  • all kinds of educational toys for the child (mosaics with large elements, safe mass for modeling, paints for drawing with fingers, etc.).

For the future

It is symbolic to give a girl something for a year that she can use even when she grows up. An ideal present for the first birthday of a daughter would be gold jewelry: a cross, a chain or earrings. In addition, commemorative gifts will be:

  • a good photo album or photo notebook;
  • set for casts of hands/legs;
  • silver spoon;
  • beautiful name box.

The first birthday of a girl always brings a lot of emotions to both the guests and the parents themselves.

For many people, the question "what to give a girl for 1 year old?" turns out to be a real problem.

Below you will find a large list of gifts and recommendations on what to give a girl for a year.

TOP 68 ideas what to give a girl for a year

  1. A modern model of a sled with soft covers and additional wheels that can be lowered in areas without snow (for a winter birthday girl).
  2. Ball (optional - inflatable, textile, rubber, wood or plastic).
  3. Tolokar with a musical horn (a machine that is set in motion with the help of the legs of a small driver when pushing off the floor).
  4. Wheelchair on a stick with musical and light effects.
  5. Dry pool (filled with plastic balls).
  6. Rocking chair in the form of a horse, zebra, donkey, etc..
  7. Hanging or floor swing.
  8. A set of soft cubes or a pyramid.
  9. Designer with large details.
  10. Sorter (a closed container for distributing figures according to some attribute - color, shape, size).
  11. Busyboard (a board on which various elements are fixed - an intercom handset, door handles, locks, switches, bolts and much more).
  12. Interactive books that can independently tell the baby poems and fairy tales, as well as sing songs.
  13. Toy musical instruments (drum, tambourine, whistle, synthesizer, maracas, etc.).
  14. A dance mat that makes sounds when pressed with a foot.
  15. Play music table with many buttons, which can be pressed one by one, allowing the child to create his own melody.
  16. The doll and things for her - a bed, clothes, a stroller, dishes.
  17. Playhouse or wigwam in the children's room.
  18. Glove puppets for games with theater elements.
  19. Toy phone.
  20. Night light in the form of a projector of the night sky.
  21. Training shoes (an analogue of adult shoes, with the help of which the baby can quickly learn how to tie shoelaces and fasten Velcro).
  22. Children's bowling.
  23. Height meter.
  24. Talking toys (the girl will repeat the words after them and thereby develop speech skills).
  25. A set of large figurines of animals, fruits, vegetables, etc. (may be soft or plastic).
  26. Floor mat-puzzle.
  27. Sound posters with letters, animals, birds or cartoon characters.
  28. Small home trampoline.
  29. Rubber jumpers in the form of animals.
  30. Development center.
  31. Children's toothbrush and paste.
  32. A set of children's dishes on suction cups.
  33. Non-spill cup.
  34. Arena for games.
  35. Game table for creativity.
  36. Children's play tent with a tunnel.
  37. An easel or a magnetic board for drawing.
  38. A set of children's cosmetics complete with cream and shampoo for the little ones.
  39. Children's developing tablet.
  40. An interactive toy that can communicate with the owner.
  41. Electric car.
  42. A set of toys for playing in the sandbox.
  43. A set for a cast of the palm or heel of a baby.
  44. Big kaleidoscope.
  45. Lovely baby sleepwear.
  46. Children's hat in the form of a funny animal (cat, fox, bunny).
  47. Chair for feeding, regulated by age.
  48. Children's household appliances (iron, vacuum cleaner, stove).
  49. Mosaic with large details.
  50. Bed linen in delicate colors.
  51. Soft terry blanket for warmth.
  52. Speaking alphabet.
  53. Xylophone or metallophone.
  54. Bubble.
  55. Bathrobe.
  56. Twitch toys.
  57. Warmer toy.
  58. Headband or set of cute hair clips.
  59. Soft children's slippers in the form of animals.
  60. Coloring book for the little ones.
  61. Squish is an anti-stress toy that returns to its original shape when crushed.
  62. Multicolored finger paints.
  63. Comforter - a toy for a birthday girl's sweet dream.
  64. Ring toy.
  65. A robotic fish that swims when it comes into contact with water.
  66. Ionizer or air purifier in the nursery.
  67. Children's musical spinning top.
  68. Matryoshka or tumbler.

What to give a child for a year (girl) for physical development

A one-year-old child is just starting to walk, so the development of physical abilities at this time becomes more important than ever. To strengthen the muscles of the baby will help special devices that turn this process into a game.

In addition to a positive effect on muscle development, they increase dexterity and improve coordination. The list of such toys includes:

Tricycle. Giving your daughter, goddaughter, or sister a gift of this kind for a year is a great idea, because children, as a rule, no longer let go of it. Having decided that you can give this present to a girl for 1 year, give preference to models with a special handle, with which parents can roll the girl.

A great addition to the unit will be various lighting and musical effects (for example, luminous wheels or a horn on the steering wheel) - children come to extraordinary delight from them;

Low home slide. When choosing what to give a girl for a year on her birthday, remember that some children love to ride downhill, while others are afraid of them. In both cases, your present will come in handy.

A brave baby will be able to have fun without leaving home, and a birthday girl who does not dare to master noisy outdoor playgrounds will gradually overcome her fear. A nice bonus from training on the hill will be the strengthening of the muscular frame;

. In search of a suitable idea, many people forget that kids and their parents spend most of their time on the street and that you can give a child for a year (a girl) something to spend time outside the home. The pool will find its place in the garden in the country and will become a child's favorite place to relax and play in nature. When buying, it is better to give preference to options with low slides and a hinged roof, which will save the little summer resident from direct exposure to sunlight.

A great addition to the gift will be bright rubber toys, which can then be easily moved to the bathroom. Having decided to give such a unit to my daughter for a year, it is necessary to monitor compliance with safety regulations every time it is used.

We are talking about exercising control over the child by adults in the process of bathing and filling the pool with water only to an acceptable level. If it is a gift from a godmother or family friends, it is their job to warn parents of potential dangers;

Massage play mat. Such rugs are also called orthopedic, because they allow the child to form a beautiful posture and correct gait, so there is no doubt about their usefulness and relevance for a one-year-old child.

This original massager will be able to replace the hands of a professional masseur, while giving the opportunity to continue to have fun during the game.

What to give a girl for 1 year (Birthday) to develop creative abilities

You can choose an original gift for a child, based on the need for his creative development. Even a one-year-old child is already a small creator, who just needs to be correctly directed, and then he will not be torn away from the new fun.

Among other things, the argument in favor of giving a girl something creative for 1 year old is the fact that such things develop fine motor skills, imaginative thinking, calm and organize the child.

So, a good decision would be to buy:

Safe plasticine or kinetic sand. Both ideas have many advantages: both plasticine and sand contribute to the development of fine motor skills of hands, spatial thinking, the formation of artistic taste and imagination in children.

Moreover, in the process of modeling, special points on the palms and fingers of the baby are massaged, which activates the work of the brain and contributes to the development of speech and intelligence. In the end, a one-year-old child simply enjoys the process and allows mom to do her own thing;

Easel for drawing. A gift for a baby, for example, a sister for a year, should take into account the wishes of the birthday girl, and, as you know, the ultimate dream of many young children is to decorate the house with their artistic “masterpieces”.

Therefore, do not hesitate that giving a girl for a year such a device from her godmother or any other donor is the best solution that can keep the walls of her home untouched by the hand of the “master”. It is better to choose a double-sided model, on which you can draw with both crayons and markers.

In addition, having decided that you can give the girl an easel for a year, pay special attention to two important points: the stability of the structure and the presence of a stand for markers and crayons;

Water felt-tip pens and a special drawing mat. Parents can support the aspirations of other donors aimed at preserving the family home in its original form, and give their daughter a set of felt-tip pens for a year, which are easily washed off from any surface with water and soap.

Moreover, such a present will avoid damage to clothes, since stains from it can also be easily washed off. In the case of a small child who is not yet quite confident in holding objects in his hands, it is better to choose felt-tip pens with a hemispherical tip.

This will allow the baby to hold the felt-tip pen at any angle, and it will still draw and never push inward. As for the rug, its peculiarity lies in the fact that within a few hours the drawing applied with water felt-tip pens gradually fades and as a result disappears completely, which allows the little artist to start work anew.

What to give a girl for a year on her birthday as a keepsake

Many are sure that to give a girl for a year on her birthday you need such a present that will serve as a reminder of this important event for many years.

Indeed, such things become real family heirlooms, which grown-up birthday people show their children in a few decades.

If this point of view is close to you, and you are looking for what you can give a girl for 1 year old, we advise you to take a closer look at the following options:

  • silver spoon. Such a present will be especially relevant from the godmother. You should not associate this little thing exclusively with the first tooth - this tradition has long been in the past. Today it is just a pleasant souvenir, on which the name of the hero of the occasion will be symbolically engraved. Moreover, by the age of one, the girl has already grown enough to eat not from a special children's spoon, but with the help of a more “adult” cutlery, which, moreover, has bactericidal properties;
  • Gold jewelry - earrings, pendant, chain. Thanks to such a present, the first birthday will be warmly remembered by parents and the baby for many years, and after a while the product will pass from the birthday girl to her daughter or granddaughter, which makes it a real relic. Deciding to give a girl, a daughter of close friends or a sister a similar decoration for a year, you should take care of the safety of the girl: choose light, miniature products of a rounded shape without sharp elements and with reliable fasteners;
  • Painting based on a photo of a baby. If it seems to you that giving a girl such a present for 1 year old is a brilliant idea, it is enough to send the artist a photograph of the birthday girl, the image from which he will transfer to the canvas. This creation will be a wonderful decoration for a child's room and after many years will remind the girl's parents what a baby she once was;
  • Photo session with a professional photographer. It is unlikely that the baby's parents will give up the idea of ​​spending their daughter's first birthday in the company of a person who will capture the happy moments of their family in honor of the holiday. The main thing is to warn them in advance about the upcoming event so that they have time to choose the right images for themselves and the baby, as well as get to know the photographer and find beautiful locations for shooting.

In addition, watch a video with gifts for a girl for one year:

How to choose what to give a girl for 1 year

Find the correct answer to the question "what to give a child for a year (girl)?" It can only be done responsibly. The responsibility in this case is to follow certain guidelines, which are as follows:

  • Contact only trusted stores with a good reputation, where they are ready to confirm the quality of the products with the appropriate certificates. Remember that you can give a girl a birthday present only from good material, with neat seams and strong fasteners;
  • Try to surprise the baby - look for an original gift, a thing that the hero of the occasion has not seen before;
  • When choosing what to give a girl for a year, pay attention to the age for which the purchased product is intended. If things are marked, for example, “18 months. + ”, but you liked it and, in your opinion, will delight the birthday girl, be sure to warn her parents about this circumstance;
  • Remember that to give a daughter for a year or, for example, a goddaughter, you need something that matches her age and level of development. Thus, rattles or, on the contrary, a developing computer will be ignored by the girl;
  • If the present is not intended for your child, be sure to consult with the baby's parents - perhaps the family already has the item you want to buy or is not, in their opinion, necessary;
  • Pay attention to the appearance of the item that you want to present to a one-year-old girl - it should evoke only positive emotions, not scare the child and not express aggression;
  • Accompany your gift with a pleasant addition for the girl's parents, because for them this date is even more important than for the hero of the occasion herself;
  • Do not neglect gift wrapping - of course, the child will not even pay attention to such trifles, but parents will be pleased that so much effort has been put into the present for their beloved child.

What is better not to give a girl for 1 year

Recommendations on what to give a girl for a year are clear. However, there are options that are included in the so-called stop list, which means that it is better to refrain from them. These are the following presentations.

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