What to take abroad at sea. How to dress and what to take with you to the sea

If you are familiar with the situation when, when going to the sea, you want to take with you all the seasonal items in your wardrobe, and it is extremely difficult to make a choice in favor of the necessary minimum, then this needs to be changed urgently. Because it is impractical and inconvenient to carry everything with you. Yes, and there is no need, by and large. We will show you how to correctly compose a wardrobe for a seaside holiday in accordance with all the rules.

Wardrobe for a beach holiday - what to take with you to the sea?

What are the main trends that clothes for a holiday on the coast should correspond to - whether it be the beach or evening trips to cafes and restaurants, walks along the promenade or spending time in a comfortable hotel? There are a number of desirable requirements for a wardrobe selected for a seaside vacation:

Brightness. Vacation is not a time of boring everyday looks, but a great occasion to add bright, expressive colors to your look.

Free style. No strictness and officialdom, in the near future the dress code is definitely cancelled.

Ease of cutting and caring for clothes. Of course, sometimes you want to show off a fashionable thing with an extravagant style, but a vacation by the sea is not the case. There is no point in wasting time smoothing out the naughty folds of a skirt or putting on an intricate drapery of a top.

Capsule wardrobe. A functional solution would be to opt for a small number of things that go well with each other.

Packing a suitcase for a beach holiday in warmer climes

When choosing clothes for a vacation when you have a trip to Turkey, Egypt, the Emirates, as well as other similar countries with a hot climate, it is advisable to focus on the following wardrobe items that are best suited:

  1. Swimwear (preferably at least two - so the tan will fall more evenly, and there will be an extra opportunity to show off on the seashore);
  2. Beach dress (in the form of a tunic, bathrobe or tied pareo);
  3. Light airy dress or sundress for daytime walks;
  4. Elegant evening dress for a restaurant (medium length and with short sleeves or fully open shoulders);
  5. Loose trousers made of light material;
  6. A couple of tops of different styles and colors;
  7. Shorts (made of thin fabric and denim, better - some are longer, and the second are shorter);
    2-3 t-shirts, combined with other things in style and color;
  8. One or two skirts made of light fabric, of different lengths;
  9. A jacket, cape or sweater with long sleeves, you can also take a cardigan (sometimes it is cool in the evenings even in warm countries);
  10. From shoes, beach slippers, comfortable open sandals, sneakers and a pair of elegant sandals for the evening will be enough.

Optimal beach wardrobe for full

Warm climate - fertile conditions to shine in all its glory to the owners of any form. After all, thin, flowing fabrics make any image airy and light. And bright colors with a competent approach shift the focus from the shortcomings.
What you need to consider when compiling a beach image in this case:

  • the length of dresses and skirts is better to choose up to the knees and below, and the fabric is not transparent;
  • an excellent solution would be models that emphasize the waist, since shapeless and too wide tunics and dresses will make the figure heavier and more massive;
  • beautiful, lush breasts are favorably emphasized by dresses and tops with a deep neckline;
  • taboo: striped print and glitter fabric. It is better to choose a small drawing, monophonic models look great.

Selection of things for a holiday at sea for 10-14 days

It is advisable to choose things for going to the beach and resort walks, taking into account age.

Women 30+ years old

The rule works well that it is prudent to take at least twice as many items of clothing for the upper part (T-shirts, blouses, etc.) than the bottom.

Women 40+ years old

Short shorts and skirts should be worn with a slender physique and toned skin. If flaws are present, it is better to hide them with an average length of clothing.

The colors for a beach holiday are bright, colorful and contrasting. Age is not a hindrance to the flight of fantasy and a riot of colors.

All clothing should emphasize the shape, so you need to abandon the baggy styles of an incomprehensible shape in favor of a feminine cut.

Women 50+ years old

Must-have for sea holidays in this age group:

  • a loose tunic (a short one goes well with thin trousers or rather long shorts, and an elongated one can be worn as an independent item or a beach dress);
  • sundress or wide light skirt (floor-length or medium length);
  • blouses and T-shirts made of lightweight fabrics that do not fit the figure;
  • everyday and evening dress of a simple, not too pretentious style, you can - with decorative elements;
  • light-colored lightweight capri pants.

An example of a 10-piece capsule wardrobe at sea

  1. Classic white T-shirt. Always an unmistakable choice that goes with almost everything. Round, small, or V-neck - choose whatever style you like.
  2. Dress for day and evening. Choose a dress in a style that can be worn for a day out with sneakers or sneakers, but easily turns into a dressy evening outfit with different shoes, some accessories, and your favorite lipstick. Dresses from midi to maxi are ideal for such purposes.
  3. Light blouse. Choose loose embroidered or boho style blouses that will keep you cool in hot countries. Wear them with a skirt or trousers in white or a brighter shade.
  4. Wide pants. Jeans are the last thing you want to wear on a hot day by the sea, and if you wear them all the time at home, then summer holidays provide a great opportunity to try something different. A pair of wide leg trousers is a relaxed and comfortable option for sightseeing.
  5. midi skirt. A versatile piece of clothing that, like a dress for day and evening, can be suitable both for walks along the beach and for lunch in a fine restaurant.
  6. Nice swimsuit. You only need one swimsuit and a timeless bathing suit is your best bet. Choose a swimsuit with a body shape that will allow you to feel confident on the beach or by the pool.
  7. Comfortable sandals. Wearing the right sandals will make you feel fantastic walking through the old town or the waterfront. A classic pair of leather sandals will complete your trendy look and protect your feet on long vacation walks.
  8. Light cape. Complete your evening or beach style with a light cape or kimono that you can wear over your casual outfit or swimsuit.
  9. Versatile scarf. Wrapped around your neck on an airplane, around your shoulders on chilly evenings, or tied around your waist like a sarong on the beach, the versatile scarf is a real find on vacation.
  10. iconic hat. With a straw hat, you will not only protect yourself from the sun, but also provide yourself with a chic look.

Health and beauty care

When packing for a seaside vacation, don't forget basic skin protection. Beautiful dresses and swimwear are unlikely to bring much pleasure if at the same time you suffer from itching and skin discomfort. To look and feel comfortable and confident, do not forget to take with you to the sea:

  1. Sunscreen with SPF 15+. It blocks up to 94% of harmful UV rays and protects the skin from burns.
  2. Lotion with aloe vera. Direct exposure to the sun can dry out the skin, causing itching and discomfort the next day. After-sun lotions with aloe vera will give your skin the moisture it needs to recover from a day at the beach.
  3. Lip balm. If you plan on spending a lot of time in the sun, add a good quality lip balm to your suitcase to help your skin heal and prevent chapped, dry lips.
  4. Insect repellant. Hot often means tropical, and tropical almost always means lots of mosquitoes and other annoying insects. Carry repellent with you to keep potentially dangerous insects at bay throughout your vacation.

The holiday season begins, and once again it baffles the question: what clothes to take to the sea? Almost every time, returning from the sea and sorting out the suitcase, we notice that many things were never worn. That is, they were not useful, but they added weight to an immense suitcase.

Today, together with the online magazine "Korolevnam.ru", we will try to figure out how to reduce the size of your suitcase to quite acceptable sizes.

To begin with, before you start assembling things, think about what kind of vacation you are planning. Someone loves a relaxing beach holiday, someone has fun parties and clubs, and someone cannot imagine a vacation without educational excursions. For all these purposes, the set of clothes will be different.

The minimum set of clothes for a vacationer

Nevertheless, despite the purpose of the trip, the basis of your wardrobe will consist of several things:

- swimsuit. Holidays at sea, after all! And to less worry about whether your swimsuit dries up or not, take a couple of (how to choose a swimsuit, read). If this is not enough, you can buy on the spot;

- sunglasses, preferably a couple - universal classics and "funny" with a bright frame. Read about how to choose the right glasses for quality and style in our article:;

- kit necessary underwear for all occasions;

- headdress required. It is extremely dangerous to be in the sun with your head uncovered, you risk ruining your holiday with sunstroke. At a minimum, you can get headaches, as well as dry and ruin your hair;

good to take with you beach clothes- tunic or pareo. In a tunic it is very convenient to walk to the sea, it is easily removed and it is not at all hot in it. Pareo is a universal part of the wardrobe. It can be worn as a dress or skirt, or to hide delicate skin from direct sunlight;

required set - several tops and shorts(or skirt). On vacation, you will look great in bright tops, and it is better to take shorts and a skirt with a universal cut (you can). Thus, it will be possible to combine clothes;

you can take a couple light dresses, or long sundress;

comfortable sandals, rubber slates for beach.

Below we have given some examples of good images for a seaside holiday, take note *wink*

Decide on the purpose of the trip

If you are wondering what clothes to take to the sea, then first decide on the purpose of the trip. If your goal is a relaxing holiday on the beach, then you are unlikely to need any other things.

If the purpose of the trip is fashionable parties and discos in nightclubs, then this set should be added heeled sandals and a couple of more sophisticated dresses. Choose dresses that are not too shiny, the lack of tan and sequins is not an impressive combination. Dresses of a simple cut can be livened up with a pair of bright accessories - large beads or a jewelry bracelet. On vacation, for the sake of safety, it is better not to take expensive jewelry.

Holidays with an abundance of excursions will require, first of all, comfortable shoes. For open sandals, take some closed shoes - sneakers or moccasins. These shoes will protect your feet from unpleasant calluses.

What should be the clothes for the beach and the sea?

When packing your suitcase, you should think about the quality of the things that you want to take with you to the sea. Thirty-degree heat and high humidity clearly speak against things made of synthetics. In such non-breathable clothing, you will quickly sweat and experience terrible discomfort.

It is best to choose things from natural fabrics - chintz, silk and linen.

Oddly enough, but on vacation it can come in handy even more warm clothes. After sunset or in the early morning, a fresh breeze blows from the sea, so grab a cardigan and light jeans or pants. It is most convenient if you put these clothes on the road, then there will be more space in the suitcase.

Will not be superfluous on vacation bag. Again, several options are useful for different purposes.

For a beach holiday, take a capacious bag - you can put towels, sun cream and other things in it. If you want to do a lot of walking and sightseeing, then a small shoulder bag is better. It is always comfortable to wear, and it is much more difficult to “pull off” such a handbag.

Well, here we figured out the clothes that will come in handy for you on vacation at sea. Do not forget that it is better to take clothes that do not require special care. And so that things are less wrinkled, it is better to put them in a suitcase, folding them into a tube.

We wish you a bright and memorable holiday!

Probably, everyone faces a problem before traveling - to pack a suitcase, backpack or bag so as not to forget anything. Everything, of course, depends where you are going: to warmer climesor ski resort? We offer a kind of cheat sheet for travelers, in the form of a list of necessary things for a trip.

As a rule, we start preparing for the trip in advance,Of course, if the flight is not for a couple of hours)). In order not to forget anything, we make a list of necessary things.

List of necessary things

The list can be compiled in Word or Excel. Record on laptop, phone, tablet,or write on a sheet of paper in the old fashioned way so that it is always at hand(Moreover, having compiled such a list, it will be one hundred percent useful to you on each subsequent trip). We have two lists of necessary things: summer and winter, they are divided into items.

Documents, money, cards

  • It is better to keep money and documents separately. When traveling, it is convenient to have an inner pocket on clothes and store them there.
  • Divide the money into several parts and put it in different places
  • Passports. Keep electronic copies of all passports in your mail
  • You do not need to take a civil passport on a trip abroad
  • A photocopy of your passport (in case you lose or steal the original)
  • Medical insurance
  • Air tickets. Electronic and make a printout
  • Driver's license, international driver's license. If you are driving your own car: documents for the car, green card insurance (we wrotein detail )
  • Hotel reservations (confirmation of your stay)
  • Notepad with your notes: route, phone numbers, addresses, contacts
  • Money on credit cards, take a couple of cards (we wrote).

Personal hygiene items

  • Do not take large packages, they weigh a lot. If you run out of supplies, you can always buy them online.ste.
  • Toothbrushes and paste
  • Gaskets: day, night (well, if necessary, and you are a girl)
  • Manicure accessories (nail file, scissors). get a manicure and pedicure before the trip
  • Razor and shaving products
  • Comb
  • Perfume
  • Shampoo, shower gel, soap. Keep in mind that most hotels will have all of this in the room.
  • Deodorant
  • Cosmetics. Lipstick/lip gloss, mascara, mirror
  • Hairpins, crab, hair bands
  • Sunscreen (we wrote)
  • hair dryer
  • Hair straightener (if needed)
  • Mosquito spray (read how to choose mosquito repellent)
  • Wet wipes
  • Dry wipes
  • Preziki, no joke, there are 200 ways how to use them for other purposes)))


  • For chronic diseases, take the medicines that the doctor has prescribed for you (do not forget to take a prescription so that there are no problems at the border).
  • Pills for a headache (or a hard hangover, anything can happen).
  • Painkillers
  • something for the throat
  • From indigestion
  • Aspirin or equivalent
  • Bandage
  • Bactericidal plaster
  • Hygienic lipstick
  • In the articles, and we examined in more detail.

Technique and devices

  • Check and charge all devices before you travel
  • Don't forget to take chargers, extra batteries, accumulators and adapters
  • Mobile phone. Take another phone for a local sim card
  • Camera with memory card
  • Laptop, tablet (if you need them)
  • If you are traveling by car, a navigator with downloaded maps (can be replaced with a tablet or smartphone).
  • Take advantage of our


  • Several t-shirts with one trousers and shorts
  • One pair of outdoor shoes, jacket, sweater, etc. Choose comfortable clothing One pair of high heels
  • Evening dress
  • Several changes of underwear
  • Headwear for the season
  • Sunglasses
  • Outdoor shoes and indoor slippers
  • Do not take a new, not yet worn pair, it can rub your legs
  • Swimsuit or swimming trunks for a beach holiday, swimming pool or sauna
  • Yes! Be sure to leave room in your suitcase for shopping.
  • Other

Things and various garbage that you can not take, for example:

  • Umbrella
  • Wristwatch (required with water resistance)
  • Small souvenirs for new friends and locals
  • Compact raincoats
  • Guide
  • toothpicks
  • Clamps
  • Corkscrew
  • small padlock
  • Thermo mug
  • Stretch film and foil
  • A flask for whiskey (although not, you have to take)))) ...
  • Snorkel mask (read how to choose if you don't have one)
  • Karimats
  • Waterproof bags (will help a lot in a downpour)
  • Various nuts, seeds, chips (nasty things)..
  • Lighter ZIPPO
  • Booze, cigarettes
  • Batman costume, for role-playing (just kidding, ahaha)

IN list of necessary things you can add your fads, remove something, and add something.

When all things are laid out, you can begin to collect them. Divide things into 2 parts: what you take with you (hand luggage) and what you check in your luggage.

What to put in hand luggage

We put everything of value in hand luggage (documents, money, phone, etc.). E If you are flying by plane, then in hand luggage there should not be anything piercing and cutting and liquid. And also, what can be useful on the road:

  • napkins
  • comb
  • mirror
  • pen
  • leisure magazine or crossword puzzle
  • some water


We put everything in a suitcase compactly. So that things are not wrinkled, I twist them like a sausage. In my opinion, there are fewer places and the view remains good. The suitcase should never be packed all the way. Firstly, you may have an overweight (most airlines have a baggage allowance of up to 20 kg), and secondly, back, you will probably buy something for yourself or your loved ones.

Thanks for reading our blog. See you soon on the pages of our

Published: 08.07.2016 Category: Author's essay

In order for a vacation trip to the sea to go smoothly and without incident, you need to carefully consider what things to take with you. After all, I don’t want to take half a wardrobe with me, the whole first-aid kit and a bunch of bottles of cosmetics, and then bring it all back without using even half.

Because of this, the list of “what things a woman should take with her to the sea” should be compiled in accordance with the following recommendations:

  1. Think in advance how many days you plan to be on vacation, and depending on the length of this period, take the appropriate amount of clothes and underwear.
  2. Do not pack everything in a suitcase. Think - will you wear this beautiful, but insanely hot dress at 35 degrees Celsius?
  3. Tickets, passport and a small amount of money should be placed in a bag or backpack so that you can quickly find them. And it is better to hide documents, cards and most of the money closer to the bottom of the suitcase.
  4. Just in case, you should put at least one pair of jeans in your suitcase and a warm jacket in case of inclement weather.
  5. For the same case, you can take an umbrella or a raincoat.
  6. Medications should be taken depending on the individual tendency to any disease. If there is no such tendency, take a standard set: antipyretics, painkillers, antiseptics, medicines for malfunctioning of the stomach, heart, and anti-allergic drugs.
  7. Analyzing what things to take to the sea, a woman needs to decide on cosmetics. It is better to get a small palette with the main color scheme, one good mascara and lipstick, as well as a few corrective means, than to lug the entire filling of the dressing table with you.
  8. Means for washing, removing makeup and cream do not need to be taken in large quantities. Approximately calculate how much you need this or that product for the rest and pour this amount into a smaller container. These can be used containers from medicines or other cosmetics - the main thing is that they are hermetically sealed and small.
  9. You should not take an iron, an electric kettle and a hairdryer with you, because if you are going to live in a private sector, you can always ask the hostess for all this, and if in a hotel, then at the reception.
  10. What kind of things a girl should take to the sea are personal hygiene items in case of menstruation. Even if you are sure that nothing like this should happen during this period, you should still play it safe.

When choosing the type and quantity of clothes, you need to take into account that on vacation you can hardly resist buying a couple of some charming things, so there must be some space left in your suitcase.

In the list “What things to take with a woman to the sea”, two swimsuits must be indicated. This is quite practical, since you will not need to put on a swimsuit that is not completely dry after a morning swim - you will have a spare one.

Of course, each representative of the fair sex herself knows perfectly well what things a woman should take to the sea, but it is strongly recommended not to neglect such elements of the wardrobe as a hat and a pareo. Firstly, it is not always possible to settle in such a way that the doors of the house immediately go to the beach, which means that you have to go to it. This is where the seductive pareo comes in handy. And secondly, I don’t want to drag an umbrella with me at all and then suffer every time with its installation. A wide-brimmed hat will solve this problem and protect you from sunstroke and the danger of burning yourself. Of course, if you do not sunbathe on the beach at noon.

That's all the advice on what kind of things to take to the sea for a girl. Follow them when packing your suitcase and be sure that no incidents will happen to you on a trip.

We decided to go to the sea and the question immediately arises “what to take with you to the sea from things?” What is needed and what is not needed? We will answer all these questions in this article and provide you with a ready-made list of what to take with you to the sea from things.

The list of things will be slightly different depending on how you are going to get to the sea - by your own transport, by train or by plane.

You need to get acquainted with the climate of the place where you are going. If you fly by plane and live in a hotel, then you will not need dishes or you will need only a minimum, it's another matter if you go by car.

Open a notebook on your smartphone or take a simple paper notebook and write down the things that you will take with you. This technique will help you not only pack all your things for the trip, but also pack things back. For ease of searching, divide everything into categories.

Documents and money required for the trip

  • Passports, one might say the most important and most often forgotten thing
  • Tickets (plane, train, bus)
  • Medical policy, medical insurance
  • Printout of the hotel reservation, vouchers, documents from the travel agency
  • Photos for visa (if needed)
  • Consent to take the child abroad. It will be required in the case when only one of the parents travels with the child.
  • Cash in the currency that can be exchanged for local currency. Exchange a small amount of small bills.
  • Bank cards (Master card is better for Europe, Visa for America and Asian countries)

Clothing for a trip to the sea for women, men and children

An interesting fact is that a lot of things that we bring on vacation in the end turn out to be unnecessary. In order not to carry extra things - take the most necessary, clothes should correspond to the weather and type of holiday. Clothing should be such that it fits together and does not wrinkle. If you are going to another country, read the article ""

Clothes for women

  • Underwear
  • Socks
  • Swimsuit. Just in case, it’s better to have two, in case one gets lost, breaks, etc.
  • Shorts. Shorts are a universal type of clothing, you can wear it to the beach and walk in the city (only not in Muslim countries)
  • The skirt can be worn for walking.
  • Mikey. Choose t-shirts that are suitable for both shorts and skirts.
  • Hat, panama, cap. The presence of a hat is a must in the sun, it will save you from possible sunstroke.
  • Dress. We recommend taking one dress.
  • Jeans. Jeans will save you if there is bad weather or rain. But it makes no sense to take them more than one pair, as they take up a lot of space and add extra weight to the suitcase.
  • Jacket or sweatshirt with long sleeves. Just like jeans, a jacket will save you in bad weather or from a strong air conditioner in transport.
  • Slippers, sandals and sneakers. You should not take sandals with a large heel, because if you rest on a busy program, your legs will hurt very much. Sneakers or flats, the choice is yours. Of course, it is better to take ballet flats, as they take up much less space.
  • Pajamas. Do you still need pajamas is a big question...

Clothing for men

  • swimming trunks
  • Shorts
  • Flip flops
  • Underwear
  • Socks
  • T-shirts. You also need to take T-shirts to a minimum, but keep in mind that the sea is hot and a person sweats more intensely.
  • Panama or cap. Good sun protection.
  • Jeans
  • Jacket or sweatshirt. Although you go to the sea, it happens that it is very cold at night or air conditioners work heavily in transport
  • Sneakers
  • Shoes. In the case when celebrations are planned or you are going to visit restaurants with a dress code.
  • Dress shirt. Take shoes as needed. Short-sleeved shirt to be comfortable and not hot.

Children's clothing

  • Swimming trunks and/or swimwear.
  • Underwear
  • Socks
  • Jeans
  • Shorts
  • T-shirts
  • Dress - for a girl
  • Skirt + top - for girls
  • Panama or baseball cap
  • Jacket with long sleeves
  • Light pajamas
  • Sneakers
  • Slippers. Good solution for the beach and walks.
  • Sandals.

First aid kit for a trip to the sea

  • Activated carbon
  • Remedies for stomach pain
  • Heartburn Remedy
  • Medical alcohol
  • Zelenka or iodine
  • Adhesive plaster
  • pain reliever

Cosmetics and hygiene products

  • Cream for face and hands
  • Body lotion
  • Mascara, shadows, pencil
  • Lip gloss or lipstick
  • Small manicure set nail file, nail polish and nail polish remover
  • Toothpaste and brush
  • Shampoo and shower gel
  • washcloth
  • Razor
  • Personal care products
  • hair comb

sun protection

  • In order for your vacation not to quickly turn into excruciating pain from sunburn, you need to take care of protection in advance.
  • Enhanced Protection Sunscreen
  • Medium protection sunscreen
  • Sunburn Cream (Aloe with Vitamin E)
  • Sunglasses with UV protection or anti-glare polarized glasses.

Electronic equipment for a trip to the sea

  • Mobile phone
  • Charger for mobile
  • Power Bank portable charging, very necessary when traveling, as phones in travel mode are discharged very quickly
  • "Selfie stick" or mini tripods will help you take photos without asking passers-by
  • Camera or action camera charging and accessories
  • Tablet
  • Laptop or netbook
  • Headphones. Suitable for small travel headphones

Things for the beach

  • Rug-spread. It will come in handy on the beach in order not to buy paid sun loungers.
  • Swim ring or vest for children and those who swim poorly
  • Beach bag
  • Swimming mask, swimming goggles, fins, hand pads, snorkel

All the rest

  • Inflatable neck pillow for travel
  • Glasses or contact lenses with lens cleaner (for those who need it)
  • Umbrella or polyethylene raincoats, the latter will not take up much space
  • Jewelry and decorations. Of course, it is better not to take extra jewelry, as quite often they are stolen or lost. Why ruin your vacation!?
  • Insect repellents. Insect spray is fine.
  • Toys for children
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