When does the heating season start?

This is such a system. In the summer, the money was spent on something else, and then some amount remained and they decided to spend it on replacing heating pipes. As soon as the money has been allocated, they immediately begin to DEVELOP it. No money, no jobs. There is money - there are some jobs, they do something.
Of course, money is often allocated inappropriately - sometimes late, sometimes in the wrong place and for the wrong thing - but that's a different question. It depends on the competence of the leader and his organizational abilities - in fact, he must be a good business executive. But, he spends not his personal money, but those that were given to him. That's when they gave - then spend.
This issue must be resolved at the all-Russian level - to revise the norms for switching on and off heating. I don't know who decides - thought?
Watch the news on TV - there is nothing in Moscow yet, in the regions things are much worse with heating.
Of course, heating on time is good. But, if your house is cold, you need to insulate your apartment as much as possible - there are many modern insulating materials, the main thing is to do everything the right way.
Windows and wooden windows can be insulated: opening sashes, those that are adjacent to the frame, are glued with self-adhesive rubber or polyethylene foam strips - they are 5 mm and 8 mm wide, of different thicknesses. When the doors are closed, lay a foam polyethylene insulation between them (it looks like a hose - round, 10 m long - they are of different diameters - 10 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm - you can choose the size). Our school windows are crooked, it took several sizes for each window. From experience - this heater is the best - it does not blow through anything.
Do not be too lazy in the summer to tear off the glazing beads on the windows and seal the glass with silicone sealant, then nail the glazing beads back, glue the insulation between 2 frames - they will be like double-glazed windows.
If you change the floor - lay 2 layers of foam and penofol - and heat and sound insulation.
If the wall is external, you can also upholster it with foam and I don’t remember what it’s called on top - dense thick (5-7 mm) like cardboard, dark brown. Or some other options - I'm not a builder. There are magazines SAM, SAM OWN HANDS, ADVICE OF PROFESSIONALS - you can learn a lot of interesting things from there - there would be a desire.
Various building exhibitions are held in Moscow, where all sorts of new items are presented - take an interest! a rolling stone gathers no moss!
No one is forcing you to do everything at once! BUT, if your house is cold - this is a GIVING, it will not be warmer. Insulate your apartment gradually, it will be warmer if the heat does not leave the house through thin walls and slit windows.
What's the use of swearing, shaking the air - do it! Nobody will do it for you.
There is a site change.org, where you can create your own petition to revise the heating standards. Go there and read.

When a warm and calm summer gives way to a cold and rainy autumn, the temperature drops not only outside, but also in the apartment. The walls of the houses are cooling down, every day comfortable living is replaced by an uncomfortable dank atmosphere and people are trying to warm themselves by any available means.

Along with a cold snap, the risk of developing various colds and viral diseases especially among children. But everything changes when the batteries are turned on. The air in the room gradually heats up, creating a cozy and warm atmosphere in apartments and houses.

IN Lately, the Russians are trying to install independent heating, so as not to depend on the schedule for turning on batteries throughout the country. Those citizens who have not yet decided to switch to this method of heating are already interested in the question of when heating season 2018 in Russia and what to expect from him. Let's explore this topic together.

What is the heating season?

According to the decree of Russian officials, every year in the country with the advent of cold, heating events begin - a calendar period of time during which residential buildings and administrative buildings heat is supplied by work heating installations. These days, hot water is supplied to the batteries around the clock, which allows you to achieve the optimal air temperature for living, namely 18 ° C in ordinary apartments and +20 °С in the corner.

In those regions where there are serious drops in air temperature (down to -31 ° C and below in the Northern regions), the air in residential premises should warm up to at least 20 degrees above zero, and in corner apartments - up to 22 degrees above zero.

It should be borne in mind that it is allowed to exceed these indicators by 4 degrees on any day, and the decrease in temperature at night should not exceed 3 divisions on the thermometer.

How is the preparation for the heating season 2018 going?

Preparations for future heating events, as usual, begin immediately after the end of the previous season. Responsibility for the timely start of these actions is entirely local and regional authorities.

Immediately after the spring shutdown of the radiators, it is necessary to draw up a plan preparatory work, where to mark the period of repair and preventive measures, pay off debts for the supply of heat, carry out the procurement of energy resources in case of unforeseen situations. If all these points are completed on time, then ensuring uninterrupted heat supply to apartments and other buildings is guaranteed.

When will the heating season start in 2018?

Today it is difficult to name the exact date of turning on the heating, because it is “floating”. This means that every year the heating season begins not only on different days, but even in different months.

Boiler stations for generating heat for heating are launched on the sixth day after the temperature drops below +8 degrees Celsius outside. From the moment the heating is turned on, it is supplied until warm, fine weather is established outside the window with a temperature above 8 degrees Celsius, for at least 5 or more days.

These norms are spelled out in a special legislative act, which is valid for the entire area of ​​Russia and must be unquestioningly observed.

Priority to central heating connect kindergartens, schools, hospitals and other facilities social sphere. After them, heat enters departmental buildings and industrial state facilities. And lastly, heating is turned on in residential buildings.

Heating by regions of Russia

The Russian Federation is a huge power, on the territory of which there is a variety of climatic conditions. In this regard, in different regions countries, the start date of the heating season is slightly different. European part countries are the first to connect to the heat - the Nenets Autonomous Okrug already from September 1 begins to feel hot water in the batteries. A little later, the Arkhangelsk, Kazan, Omsk and Murmansk regions are connected.

Approximately in October, boiler houses are launched in southern parts Far East and in the central regions of Russia. In Moscow and the Moscow region, heat comes to apartments in early October, and in St. Petersburg, heated events begin in mid-September. The latest to feel the gradual heating of the radiators are Sochi. Here the heating season lasts only three months - from early December to mid-March.

Speaking about the northern and east-northern regions of Russia, heating in cities begins in August, because the required average daily temperature is set here just at the end of summer. So in Yakutia, batteries begin to heat up already in the middle of summer, and in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - from August 20.

But there are cities in Russia that cannot do without heating at all. Even in summer in these regions, the air temperature does not exceed +4 degrees, so the authorities do not turn off boiler plants all year round. Thus, residents of the coldest cities in the country can feel the treasured life-giving warmth in their apartments every day and not pay attention to severe frosts outside the window.

Autumn coolness has just broken into the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region. Nevertheless, residents of the capital are eager to know when the city authorities will announce the start of the heating season in 2017.

In the capital region of Russia, the air temperature began to drop already in the first days of September.

Of course, this made the apartments much colder. And because of the wet, damp weather, we all want heat to appear in our homes as soon as possible.

It is very likely that it is not long to expect the beginning of the heating season in the capital of Russia. If we take into account the current legislation and also take into account the experience of past years, we can conclude that heating in Moscow will begin in late September - early October. In accordance with current legislation, heating in apartments will appear when the average daily air temperature does not exceed 8 degrees Celsius for five days. Although, according to the law, the city authorities can slightly push back the permissible norms.

Read also: The beginning of the heating season 2017/2018 in Moscow - when to expect

Assumptions of the start of the heating season based on the experience of previous years

Last year in Moscow, the heating season started a little earlier. For example, in 2010 the heating season in the capital started on September 28th. In the same numbers, the heat reached apartments and houses in the next 2011. In a very warm 2012, heating in Moscow was turned on later than October 6, but the long heating season dragged on until the end of April. In 2013-2014, heating was supplied on September 21 and 25, respectively. In 2015, heat appeared in the apartments of the capital of our country on October 4, and last year a little earlier - September 20.

The Moscow United Energy Company (MOEK) is responsible for the start of the heating season in the capital. She, in turn, does not start any action on the supply of heat without an order, which must be signed by the Deputy Mayor for Housing and Communal Services. In 2016, this order was signed on September 20. That is, a few days before the expiration of that very five-day period in which the air temperature cannot exceed plus 8 degrees Celsius.

When heating will be provided in 2017 in Moscow: this year the heating season will begin in October

There is a certain instruction, following which housing and communal services begin the heating season. There are certain regulations, according to which heat in houses should appear before October 15 inclusive. There is also a list of institutions (for example, municipal buildings, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, and so on) the heating of which starts earlier deadlines. Also, public utilities are guided by the basic principle, that is, they turn on heating if the daily temperature stays at or below plus 8 degrees Celsius for five days.

With all this, one prescription contradicts another, because if after October 15 the air temperature is above plus 8 degrees, heating will not be turned on yet, since this is not profitable for service providers.

Also, public utilities are obliged to supply heat to our homes on behalf of the mayor of the city, as happened last year in 2016. If we take into account the statistics, the heating season in the capital starts from 1 to 15 October. A little earlier than this period, they begin to receive heat municipal institutions followed by administrative buildings.

What forecasters say about changing weather conditions for heat supply

If we take into account the forecasts of weather forecasters, then in two weeks the air temperature in the capital region is expected to drop to 0 degrees. If we take this circumstance into account, then at the beginning of October, utilities are required to submit an order to start the heating season.

However, things are not as simple as we would like. After all final decision on this issue are taken by the higher authorities. Since today not all Moscow boiler houses are ready to provide heat to the inhabitants of the capital. Among other things, there are restoration work on separate sections of the heating main of the city.

A well-known folk proverb says that the sleigh needs to be prepared in the summer, and representatives state power take it into account, preferring to prepare for certain events in the state a few months before they should occur. In this regard, already today we can discuss how the preparation of the heating season 2017-2018 is going on, and whether we should expect any problems in this matter.

Features of preparation

The authorities annually draw up a certain schedule (it can be seen on the government website), which relates to the beginning and end of the heating season in different regions of the country. Naturally, it should be different for each region, because Russia has a fairly vast territory that covers several climatic zones, and some regions practically do not know what summer is, and winter snow and frost begin already in early September. The start of the new heating season, according to official statements by the authorities, is scheduled for August 25, because it is on this date that the launch of heating networks in the Yamalo-Nenets district of the Russian Federation, which is famous for its harsh climate, is scheduled, all other regions will receive heat in own apartments a little bit later.

The peculiarities of preparing for the heating season are to check the health of heating networks, which very often break down and, as a result, emergencies occur. Specialists should carefully check communications and the possibility of filing hot water, as well as to carry out all repairs, because, for example, in St. Petersburg, there was previously a significant shortage of financing for the thermal power industry, but members of the government drew attention to this problem and decided to gradually replace pipes, so today the number of breakdowns has sharply decreased. And almost the same situation is happening in other regions of the country, so there is something to check. This issue is dealt with by special services that are controlled by regional authorities, and the work is checked by the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

Latest government news

Separately, it must be said that the recently begun economic crisis is forcing representatives of state power to save literally on everything. And it was he who became the reason that the authorities had to introduce new rules even for the beginning of the heating season. Previously, its start was supposed to be timed to coincide with the moment if, within five days, the temperature environment(average for the regions) did not exceed 8 degrees Celsius, therefore, it was necessary to think about supplying heat to apartments in mid-October. However, practice has shown that this method is ineffective, because in Perm, for example, residents had to for a long time to get cold and turn on the heaters, while the inhabitants of the south languished from the hot climate of the house and opened the windows wide open.

Today, members of the government decided to slightly change the current situation and gave permission to representatives of the regional authorities to independently regulate the heating supply process, which will save some financial resources in the regional budget.

When will the Russians be able to get heat?

According to official data, the beginning of the 2017-2018 heating season in Moscow will begin around mid-September, because in the capital region the air temperature does not rise very high even in summer. Moreover, Moscow has already prepared for this and the level of its readiness is estimated at five points. Representatives of utilities repaired heating networks and even prepared for a likely development emergencies, because they have created a special repair service that will deal with repairs in case of urgent need. In addition, the service of repairmen will provide services for the provision of steam to the population and hot water, so it can be said with confidence that the capital is almost completely ready for the start of the new heat season (although, of course), force majeure can occur.

Considering the situation in other cities, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in Tomsk, heat will be supplied to apartments on time, because the specialists of public utilities carried out all the repair work in communication systems on time and brought boiler plants to the maximum order, so now we can say with almost complete certainty that heat will be supplied to apartments in this city before September 15.

Approximately the same situation is developing in Yaroslavl, because here the terms of heat supply will be as similar as possible to those presented in Tomsk. The authorities of the region also carried out a corresponding repair of heating networks, so no one plans to delay the dates, and this is a key point, because, for example, in the Vologda Oblast, a number of problems have been discovered that have yet to be eliminated. One of the most serious problems, however, has become the debt of the inhabitants of the region to pay for heat supply services, because this is a serious reason to stop supplying it. However, in addition to this, there are a number of repair problems that relate to the condition of boiler houses and pipes, and according to preliminary data, only a small part of the population can receive heating on time, but at the same time, debts on utility bills must be closed.

The official schedule of preparations for the 2017-2018 heating season in Yekaterinburg also contains information that the city will be completely ready for heat supply in mid-September. There are no serious problems with thermal communications here, which makes it truly special, because the residents of the city do not have to worry about the arrival of spring.

Separately, it is necessary to talk about the fact that the beginning of the heating season 2017-2018 in Tyumen, because this city is located in Siberia, therefore, the air temperature here is even summer time of the year does not always please the population with high rates. Repair of all heating networks should be made before mid-summer 2017, because residents of this region may need heating at the end of August.

On the whole, the preparations for the new heating season in the country can be called satisfactory; accordingly, the Russians should not have any reason to worry about this.

As soon as autumn fully comes into its own and the air temperature outside begins to drop lower and lower, everyone has a question when it will be warm in the houses. The beginning of the heating season in 2017 in Russia is directly related to numerous changes in the housing and communal services, which you can find out in detail in your ZhEK.

Individual characteristics

The Ministry of Construction adopted the latest important changes, according to which now each region of the country has expanded the powers governing the start of the heating season. The start and end dates for heat supply to apartments will now be determined individually, it all depends on climatic features region. Heat will come to the apartments only when the temperature on the thermometer drops to the mark established in the region.

Citizens can find out about all the changes on the public services website of their city. All news about the planned repair work Oh. You can also find out how the region is prepared for future cold weather from this source. There will also be published information on changes in tariffs for public utilities.

The economic situation in the country as a whole remains quite tense, so the planned increase in tariffs, according to the government, is a completely justified move. So far, there is no information that will confirm the increase in tariffs, but such a moment is possible in the next heating season. Housing and communal services employees urge citizens to pay utility bills in a timely manner and in full, because recently there has been a persistent trend of increasing debts in this area.

Heating season start date

Most residents of the country are used to the fact that the batteries begin to warm up after about October 15th. Utilities set the condition that the temperature on the thermometer for 5 days in a row should not rise above 8 degrees Celsius. Such a policy for the whole country looks rather strange and inappropriate. Northern regions feel the piercing cold much earlier than mid-October, but in the South you can not start heating at all until November or even longer. This averaging policy has resulted in some people running their heaters almost around the clock, adding to the load on the electrical system. Others at the same time open the windows wide open, because the apartment is very hot.

After a row decisions taken and changes at the state level, local authorities have the authority to start the heating season at their discretion. Such an innovation will bring more comfort to every apartment as soon as the autumn cold sets in. Some regions will be able to significantly save their budget, because heat will come when they need it, and it will also be possible to turn off the system much earlier than the deadline.

According to some officials, such an innovation can not only benefit ordinary residents of the country, but even harm them. No one excludes the use of extended powers in the housing and communal services sector for personal, selfish benefits. The Ministry of Construction has already made a statement that says that the innovation will be kept under control, so it will not harm anyone. It was also decided that the minimum threshold temperature regime, set within +8 degrees, can be gradually changed upwards.

Independent civilian control

In order to avoid a lot of questions for housing and communal services workers, a unified information base was formed in which all news in this area are published. Each person can independently go to the website of his region or city and get acquainted with the order of repair work, also see what work has already been completed and what is being done to ensure that the heating season starts without delay.

Already from the beginning of July 2016, detailed reports on such sites will be published by associations of apartment owners, as well as companies involved in building management and all communications. On the site you can see the detailed billing for all utilities and track any changes.

Since the beginning of 2017, utility bills can be tracked electronically, everyone is starting to move away from the usual paper receipts. Companies that ignore this kind of automation could end up with people being able to get away with not paying for the services they provide. Penalty for this time will not be charged, and debts can be repaid only after passing the necessary automation.

Growth of utility tariffs

The unstable economic situation in the country had the most negative impact on ordinary citizens. Many have partially or even completely lost the ability to pay for the services they receive. In this regard, the municipal debt in the country as a whole is only increasing, such a sad trend is not falling, but, on the contrary, is only strengthening. In order to prevent the debt hole from growing, the government decided not to sharply raise tariffs for the population until 2018. All increases will be taken into account with rising inflation. Of course, no one can yet say that utility prices will remain at the same level, but if there is an increase, then most likely it will be minimal.

Also, some officials drew attention to the fact that it may be necessary to freeze tariffs for housing and communal services for a certain time. This must be done because wage across the country practically does not increase, and people simply will not have something to live on and pay monthly bills. It was also said that it is necessary to find another solution to the problem, and not shift most of the cost items state budget on the shoulders of ordinary Russians, for whom even the burden of utility tariffs may be unbearable.

If there is a rise in price, then in each region it will be recalculated depending on the supplier of heat energy to the house. The highest price indexation can be expected in Kamchatka. The heating season of 2017 may be marked not only by an increase in prices for the services provided, but also by a tougher fight against persistent non-payers. To date, a person has a penalty on the existing debt. In addition, it is planned to use collection services as well. How effective these measures will be, it will be possible to find out very soon.

Energy Saving Benefits

According to experts, Russians overpay a lot for heat supply services, this is because the housing and communal services also take into account possible losses due to wear and tear of old equipment. Simple cleaning of radiators will already save 25% of consumed heat. Many simply will not take such measures due to the lack of support from the state and insufficient funding even for pressing problems. House management companies are simply not interested in energy saving so as not to lose their income, but alternative sources Funding for housing and communal services is simply not there.

When the heating season starts in 2017, the local authorities will decide individually for each region. Maybe such a policy will only be beneficial, it will save money where it is warm, and provide heating in those regions where frost is felt faster.

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